Chapter 14

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"Let's do that again." Cassie turned to Michael.

"No..." He shifted his wheels. His headlights were off now, so he was barely visible in the shadows of the mechanical garage.

"You still feel wrong about it?" she snapped. "I told you I keep seeing Casey disappear at night! It's obvious she's moved on from your marriage. She even told our parents she has a new friend; she just won't let them meet him yet!"

"It's not about Casey – I'm just too tired for seconds." He paused. "Did Casey really say that?"

"Yeah." Who cares?

"I'm just glad your dad doesn't hate me for all this," Michael snorted. "I'd hate to get demoted for something this stupid. He must understand my side of it, too."

"Yeah, exactly. You weren't in the wrong. But things all make sense now."

"Yeah." He let out a deep sigh. "I think it's helping. You're helping me get over her, and... I think I'm falling for you."

"You do?" Her pistons fluttered a little. Everything I've ever wanted is right here. Who knew it could be so easy? Casey practically handed him to me!

"We'll see where time takes us. One thing's for certain: we're taking this slow. Much slower than Casey and I did."

"That's fine by me." It's worth it. His scent was laced around her as she fell asleep. Not only that, but their souls were intertwined now. He wouldn't let her go.


Dizziness made Cassie's fuel tank lurch. She'd been feeling this way nearly every morning, and guessed it was from the lack of sleep she'd been having. But how am I supposed to sleep when Michael keeps me up all night? She had pushed him away the last two nights, hoping it would help, but she only felt worse, if anything. Maybe I need my oil changed, or something. I could always mention how I'm feeling to Mike. He's our "mechanic," after all.

"Morning, Cassie." Her dad had approached her in the lot. "Could you do a property patrol with Rose and Kimberly?"

Rose and Kimberly? An interesting combination! She shook some of the drowsiness out of her. "Sure."

"Good. I like to keep your mother inside resting these days; you know that. You're going to have a little brother or sister very soon."

"Yeah." As long as I don't get stuck with babysitting duties, I don't care! I'm glad I didn't decide to have a kid young, like Casey did. Omaira's a little terror.

"You can round up Rose and Kimberly. They should be out soon." He paused. "Oh, and, uh... I think Kimberly's pregnant too, though I'm not sure when she's due. She knows I want her to take it easy, though."

"Mhm." So I get to break the news to them that they're going to be working together this morning? Perfect! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they realize.

Her aunt Rose was already up and about, so she approached her first. Omaira was near her, nudging some little rocks into a pile between her and Edward.

"Aunt Rose, we have property patrol this morning," Cassie said, flicking her headlights at Edward in greeting.

"Oh, good. I was hoping to talk with you at one point!"

Edward flashed Cassie a questioning look. He's wondering why.

Cassie spun around, following after Rose. "Actually, my dad said to take Kimberly, too."

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