Chapter 10

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"Have you seen Casey today?" Christian gave her springs a stretch.

"Not yet," Robert replied. "She probably went to Zone 2 with Mike. Which isn't very ideal, because I already had her clean that place out yesterday. I wanted her and Cassie at Zone 3 today."

"Want me to go fetch her?" Christian's springs bounced a little. "I feel like going for a little drive this morning, anyways."

Robert glanced her over, all too aware of the flecks of rust forming on the insides of her fenders. If she goes out on those icy, salty roads, that'll only get worse. "We could wait for her to come back," he suggested. And I won't give her a second to question me. "I have to give out orders to some of the others. I'll be back."

Robert headed to the other side of the lot. "Carol and Ed, if you could head to Zone 1 and pick up some dogs to deliver for a governmental order, that would be great."

"Not me this time?" Rose broke in. "I always do governmental orders."

"Exactly," Robert replied. "I'm giving you a break from that."

"But you don't understand. I always do them."

"Don't be silly, Rose." Carol bumped her daughter softly with a wheel. "It's not the end of the world if you stay back this once."

"You two can head off now," said Robert. "Rose, I'll find something else for you."

She tensed her springs but said nothing as her mother and brother headed out. Now, a few of the drivers are going to need rides to several of the properties today. Rose and Cassie could do that. He glanced around the lot, worried for a second that Cassie had disappeared on him too. But, luckily, she was near the back of the lot, staring out over the ditch with little Omaira spinning circles by her side.

"Casey left you on babysitting duties?" Robert asked, stopping near his daughter and granddaughter.

"I guess." Cassie bounced her springs before turning to look at him.

"Where Mommy?" Omaira demanded.

"She's with your dad, I think." Robert glanced at Cassie. "Right? Don't tell me she just took off, without saying anything."

"I have disappointing news for you, Dad." Cassie's headlights gleamed. "That's exactly what she did. You can go talk to Mike, but I don't even know if she's with him. He was alone with Omaira early this morning, and he woke me up to keep an eye on her then he took off."

"They must be together," Robert mumbled. "Well, I was going to ask you to head to the front so one of the drivers can take you. They'll be arriving in like ten minutes, and Rose will likely be going with you."

"Where's Kimberly?" Cassie mumbled, twitching her side mirrors as the tiny Ford Explorer thumped her little wheels against her.

"She's out of commission for the week, I guess," Robert answered. "Her owner took her back to his place on Sunday. He wants to keep her off the roads while they're all snowy and salty, I guess." He became increasingly aware of the heavy salt spreader that rested in his dump.

"So we're doing her job for her," Cassie snorted, nudging Omaira away.

"Everyone transports workers around from time to time." She always finds something to complain about. He froze when Omaira started spinning circles around his front left wheel, darting underneath him to do so.

"I'll go do that, then." Cassie stared at him for a moment before heading off to the front, soon followed by Rose.

So I have to find Omaira a babysitter now, because I want to go to Zone 2 myself and check on Casey. "Omi," he said, waiting for her to stop and face him, which, of course, she didn't. "Omaira. Can you stop spinning for just a second? I know it's fun, but-"

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