Chapter 26

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"This one's Corrie... and that one's Carey," Cassie's mom giggled.

"They look exactly the same!" Cassie exclaimed. More Transit Connect twins? What could this mean for Mom and Dad? They're not going to hire them too, are they?

"I-I didn't think we would have more Transit Connects." Her dad seemed to still be in a bit of a shock.

"They're a little different from Casey and Cassie. Look." Her mother nudged one with a tire. "They don't have the black bumpers and trim. They're passenger vans, not cargo vans."

So Dad definitely won't hire them! "They're actually really cute," Cassie giggled. "So much smaller than most of the truck babies I'm used to." Except for all three of Casey's. Skid, Drift, and Swerve. These babies are going to have a lot of friends to play with, at least.

"Two babies?" squealed Trixie, pushing her way in. Rose came rumbling up behind her.

"Oh, they look just like Casey and Cassie!" Rose exclaimed. "Isn't that something? Sorry, Christian – was it okay to bring Trixie over now?"

A little late for that, Cassie thought.

"It's fine," said her mom quickly. "Trixie, they're only little, so be quiet and gentle. This is a lot for them right now; you don't want to spook them."

"What are they named?" Trixie asked, staring at the two smaller beings.

"This one's Carey, and that one's Corrie."

More names that sound the same and are easy to confuse. Maybe they'll like each other more than Casey and I did growing up. "I'm gonna go check on Audrey now," she stated. "She's with her dad, and Omaira."

"Of course, dear," said her mom. "Thanks for stopping by."

Cassie whirled around, heading over to another garage. She knew her mother was getting old to keep having kids; she probably wanted to enjoy it while she still could. That Casey, though, has no excuse. She was sitting awkwardly a few feet away from Michael, exchanging small talk while the five kids played together. Omaira, Audrey, Skid, Drift, and Swerve. I can't believe there are so many!

"Watch it," Cassie scowled when little Skid went skidding into her tire.

"Sorry!" he hissed. "You were in my way."

And he already has a little temper on him, it seems. "My mom had twins," Cassie said, glancing at Michael.

"Oh, did she?" Casey exclaimed.

Look at her, butting in. "They're red Transit Connects."

Casey's headlights darkened, as if her sister had said something ominous. "Do any of you kids want to go see the new babies? They're girls, right Cassie?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Let's go see your new aunties." Casey started leading her kids out. "One at a time, now."

Omaira trailed after them.

"That begs the question," Michael murmured, headlights twinkling with thought. "Which one of you Transit Connects is the true, original Casey?"

"What?" Cassie stared at him. What's the matter with him?

"Casey's namesake. The original Casey, who died. You should ask your dad about it sometime; he-"

"The original Casey who died is dead," Cassie huffed. "You can be so dense sometimes."

Michael shifted his wheels. "Have you ever asked your dad about his past, and his dreams? And if so, have you ever really listened?"

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