Chapter 5

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"Look, Auntie Cass!" Omaira was bumping over the long line of little rocks she had created.

"That's great, Omi." Cassie shifted her wheels on the pavement, that, for once, wasn't frozen over. The sun had decided to peek through the clouds today, and offer a little tender warmth with it. As the snow and ice around her all melted, everything was muddy and wet. Her dad had said they could hold off on cleaning today, since their wheels would only drag more mud into the buildings. So, it was a particularly boring Friday, with only her, Casey, Omaira, and Kimberly hanging around the main facility.

"I noticed you and Rose had property patrol together yesterday." Kimberly's voice startled her, and Cassie realized the minivan had promptly invited herself to the parking space right beside her.

Cassie shifted her wheels. So what if I was with Rose? "Yeah," she replied dismissively.

"What did you two talk about?" Kimberly gave her springs a funny little bounce.

"I don't even remember; that's how boring it was."

"Does she talk about George?" Kimberly blurted, instantly looking regretful. "I mean, I wish he'd be more talkative with me, and if anyone else knew why-"

"She doesn't talk about George," Cassie lied. I have loyalties to Rose. She's my aunt, after all.

"Really?" Kimberly shifted her wheels. "Because-"

"Look, look!" Omaira was squealing. "Look, Kim!" Again, she rolled over the trail of rocks, her wheels bumping over each one smoothly.

"That's lovely, dear, you're going to be a natural... at rolling over rocks." Kimberly turned back to Cassie. "Anyways, what about George? Does he talk to you much? I mean, he's got such a close connection with your dad-"

"I don't see him much," Cassie admitted. "We don't do much work together, and he's usually with you by the end of the day. I'm not sure what you're trying to get out of this conversation."

"Well, George, he has all sorts of coping strategies."

"For what?" George's life didn't seem all that bad.

"For coping with the things he's lost, I suppose. The things he believes he deserved." She glanced around the mostly empty lot before continuing. "It used to be premium. He was a heavy drinker; he'd come back late with the smell all over him. He did it even more before I started working here, but that brings me to my point. I think I was just another coping mechanism for George."

"What?" She thinks too much. But what if she's right?

"He only married me to rub it in Rose's face. It was his way of saying 'look, I can move on, too!' But stupid George. He can't move on from her. He still stares at her; I see him all the time."

And much more than that. Cassie shifted her wheels. "Why are you coming to me with all this?"

"You're pretty easy to say things to. You're like your mom, but more blunt. I used to go to her when I needed someone to talk to, but she's so happy now, I don't want to ruin that for her."

And what about me?

"Anyway, I have to go pick up my driver in the front. He'll be here any minute now. Enjoy your afternoon." She turned and rolled off.

So much for that. Omaira was already approaching her, spinning wide circles between her and Casey now. Funny how Kimberly can talk to me but Casey can't. Her plan to split up her and Michael had fumbled. But it's not too late. It's only been two days since Casey was discovered. What if...

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