Chapter 16

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"So you were going to have a baby and didn't tell me?" Casey asked.

Cassie flinched, tucking her tiny truck closer to her with a wheel. "This is too much," she said, sounding weary, and so unlike her usual self.

"But we're in this together now." Casey tapped a wheel against one of her sister's, and, to her surprise, she didn't pull away. That's Michael's baby, she thought, glancing at him from where he sat beside Cassie. And not mine! How am I going to explain all this to Omaira? Does she need an explanation? "How long were you pregnant for?" she asked.

"Like, a month," Cassie hissed. "I don't know! It's all happening way too soon."

This isn't like Cassie, to sort of confide in me. She's worn out. "I'm here for you, always," said Casey.

It was only the night after their little sister Trixie was born. Too much was happening all at once. Just a few hours after Michael had broken the news to her dad, that Cassie was pregnant with his child, she had been born. And I still haven't said anything to Mom or Dad, or even Jerry. I think I have more time, though.

"Have you named her yet?" their mom had rolled up.

"No," Cassie sighed. "I'm not ready to yet."

"We should all let her rest," Michael suggested. "You want me to stay or go, Cassie?"

"Stay," she grumbled.

Casey and her parents backed away. They were the only ones left outside now. It would be a perfect time to tell them. But I can't. I need to tell Jerry first. And what better time than tonight, while everyone's distracted with the birth of an unexpected baby?


Darkness had fallen over the main facility, and all the fleet had finally retreated to the garages for the night. Casey hoped none of them had found it weird that she was the last one sitting out here alone. But, all the garages were closed now, so they wouldn't see her go.

There was going to be a street race tonight anyways, which she probably would have gone to regardless. But this is different, and much more daunting. She managed to pull herself together and head to the front of the garages when all the murmuring from behind the closed doors had faded.

She had memorized all three of the racing locations by now, and knew which one to expect the cars in tonight. Luckily, it wasn't too far.

I just don't know how I'm going to break it to him!

A shudder worked its way through her frame when she finally passed the sturdy black truck and his detour sign. I'll have to wait till after the races to tell him, anyways, so I have time to think about it.

The red city van found her way into a spot on the grass, feeling a little self-conscious being the only van there. It was mostly just other sports or muscle cars here to watch the race, even a few rugged looking pickup trucks. Her gaze darted around the crowd as she searched for that familiar orange Mustang.

She realized he was already lining up beside a black Dodge Charger, so she slid into a spot between two lifted pickup trucks to watch. I hope he notices I'm here, and I hope knowing that helps him win. Because, once he finds out I'm pregnant, he's going to be so upset!

Jerry didn't seem to notice her in the crowd as he screeched to a start. She watched as he took the lead, with the Charger not far behind. The scent of hot exhaust burned through her intake. It would have made her sputter if she wasn't so used to it by now. It was almost worse than the smell of burning tires!

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