Chapter 17

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"Audrey," said Cassie. "We're calling her Audrey."

It took them long enough! Never had Robert seen a baby wait a whole week for its name, but Audrey didn't seem to know the difference.

"That's a nice name," said Robert, flicking his gaze to the little red Ford F-150. She's much newer looking, and sleeker than my three F-150s. Time sure does fly.

Robert had joined most of his family on midday break. Christian was near him, with Trixie by their side, and Casey had Omaira, too. Michael was still just as involved with her as he was with Audrey. I can't complain, thought Robert. Casey seemed to be doing okay, after all. I still need to meet that new friend of hers.

"When can Trixie play with me?" asked Omaira. "And Audrey!"

"Give it a few more weeks," replied Christian. "Soon, all you girls will be playing together. For now, they're still too small."

Robert noticed Casey shiver beside him. "You okay?" he asked, turning his attention to her rather than Christian.

"Fine," she answered, gaze clouding.

"They grow up fast, I know. How do you think I feel, having grandchildren?"

Casey shuffled her wheels, but her headlights didn't brighten. "It's not that," she replied.

"What is it, then?" He gave her a soft nudge with his wheel. "You're worn out, aren't you, kid? Hopeless, maybe?"

She didn't really answer, just let out a grunt and turned away.

"There's still hope," Robert assured her. "I thought all was lost for me once, too. More than once." He took a quick glance at Christian, then turned back to Casey. "Your daughter's happy, and as long as you continue to do the best you can for her, everything will be okay."

Casey's side mirrors twitched. "Can we talk later?" she asked quietly.

Is something wrong? "Of course. When? Everything's okay, isn't it?"

"Everything's fine. When the work day's done, we can talk."

She's probably just upset about life and wants to get a few things off her chest. After all, she wasn't Casey Stafford anymore. They were divorced now. Michael had seemed to move on quickly, and was already talking affectionately with Cassie in front of everyone. And he's around her all day, too. Casey probably just wanted to rant, or complain, and, for once, Robert decided he would be okay with that. But for now, midday break's almost over, and I have to send some trucks out.

There were only a few tasks that needed completing for the week. There was brush cleanup, in three properties. Robert had already decided to send John off to the biggest one. And, some of the workers needed rides around to complete a few small, indoor tasks. I can ask my Equipment Officers to do that, or I could even give Bryan a break from security. Normally, he would have had Kimberly involved, but, since she was so pregnant, he'd been giving her time to rest, much to her disappointment.

"I'm gonna start sending some trucks out," he said, glancing at Christian.

She flicked her headlights at him, nudging Trixie closer with a wheel.

Robert headed over to John, who was talking away to George, Edward, and Bryan. Funny to find Bryan here, socializing with the guys.

"John, do you wanna head to the main offices and take one of the workers for brush cleanup?"

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