Chapter 12

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Huh? He's... open? Casey slowed to a halt just outside the mechanical garage. I thought Cassie was with Carol! They had both turned to look at her now.

"What are you doing here?" Cassie sneered.

"I-I just... nothing." Her voice was dry. "Michael, I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?" he snapped. "There's really not much else to discuss between us. You could say there's not much left."

Okay, so I knew this was coming. But why is he telling Cassie that he's "open?" They were going to get together, weren't they? Her pistons sped up. "I'm sorry," she mumbled. "That's all I can say."

"You should be."

"I, uh... Omaira's with my mom, but I'm going back there after this. My dad says I can't leave the main facility for a week, but he's letting me come here just to talk to you."

"Should be longer," Michael snorted. "You can't just abandon your responsibilities whenever you feel like it. You don't see anyone else in the fleet doing that, do you?"

Mom did, when she went crazy. Casey didn't voice her thoughts, though. "What about Omaira?" she asked, not meeting his gaze.

"What about her? She's still our daughter, and we won't let this affect her. But, make no mistake, we're through. Omaira is the only thing we have in common, and she's the only reason I'll be showing you any dignity."

Cassie had taken to his side when he spoke, headlights glaring as if she were threatening Casey to challenge him. We don't have to be against each other! Even if Cassie did take Michael, Casey was still willing to forgive her. I just need someone right now. This loneliness hurts!

"And you don't get to keep my last name," Michael went on.

"Unless, of course, you want to marry Bryan," Cassie sneered.

"Just don't do to him what you did to me." Michael shifted his wheels. "Is that all?"

"I-I guess." She had to swallow back tears. "D-do you want my help with anything? Can I clean this place out for you, maybe?"

"Absolutely not. Cassie will be the only one helping me here, until further notice. In fact, you're not supposed to be, anyways. You're grounded, right?"

How badly Casey wanted to smack him! She didn't let him see her anger, though. She simply turned around. I'll enjoy my week stuck in the main facility, if it means being away from that jerk!

This would be her last chance to be out here for awhile, though, and Casey didn't plan on going home just yet. I need to talk to Bryan. He'll be on my side, won't he? I just have to explain everything to him!

Once she had arrived at Zone 1, the rain was coming down hard. She was afraid her wheels would get stuck as she made her way down the sopping dirt trails to get to the security building.

The door was closed, so she pressed the combination of numbers then rolled in as it opened.

Bryan was in the hall, facing her. "I wasn't expecting company," he mumbled, headlights flicking to the floor she had just soaked. "Close that door behind you."

"Sorry," she replied, feeling exhausted suddenly. "Bryan, everything is in ruins. My whole life, it's over now!"

"Don't be stupid." He nudged her with a wheel. "Shake yourself off then we'll go to my security room to talk."

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