Chapter 20

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Casey felt a sharp pain inside her, and nearly spit out all her coolant. Oh, no. What if the same thing that happened to Kimberly happens to me? She didn't feel ready to overheat, but she kept feeling sharp pains that made her dizzy. I should tell someone. She knew there was a patrol or two out now, and Michael was probably still at Zone 2. This will be weird, giving birth to a baby that's not his, while he's there. She knew the pain would make it impossible to focus on whatever awkwardness may linger, but it made her fuel tank churn nonetheless. Was now finally the time? I don't want to do this again.

The only trucks still in the main facility were George, who'd been with his new baby constantly since its birth, and her uncle John. Kimberly was in one of the garages, still fast asleep.

I know Cassie and Rose were out on patrol, she thought. They'll be the first ones back. She felt a shudder pass through her. Please, Michael, come back.

She hadn't expected Jerry to be able to be with her, of course. Would he have made the effort, even if I asked? He'd never even been to the main facility before.


Casey had retreated to one of the garages by the time some of the others finally returned. The sun was setting as she heard voices from outside. The steady throb of pain had only increased as she waited. I really don't want to do this again.

Her parents stopped to greet her at the entrance to the garage as Omaira, Trixie, and Audrey played nearby.

"Feeling okay?" Concern flickered in her mother's gaze.

"I don't know." Every part of her was weary, and her mind kept going back to what had happened with Kimberly, only two days before. "Is Mike around? I want to ask him what he thinks."

"He's at Zone 2, but Dad can get him." Her mom thumped her dad with a wheel. "Can't you, Robby?"

"Oh, uh..." His gaze flicked around. "Sure. Hang in there, Casey. You'll be all right. Christian, make sure you stay with her."

"Of course!" she snapped, turning to Casey as the dump truck rumbled off. She let out a little snort. "Your dad is such a worry wart. You're going to be fine, sweetie." She rolled into the garage beside her.

"Y-you think so?" she sputtered. "But what about what happened to Kimberly? What if... something like that happens to me?"

"Nonsense, darling." Her mother pressed a wheel softly to hers. "You rest up. I'm going to be here with you, to make sure you're okay."

Casey's mother's words assured her. She's done this like... seven times. Eight counting the baby she lost. She shuddered. Please, don't let me lose this one! Jerry would be so disappointed! She knew he was looking forward to having a child. I only wish I knew where he lived, so I could send someone to get him. He should be here with me. An odd realization swept over her. Something tells me he wouldn't want to be here, if he could. I have a feeling he'd rather stay away until after it's born.


"Michael's here." Casey awoke to her mom nudging her.

"Go away," she groaned. Raw pain shot through her, making her tingle. She just wanted to go back to sleep. At least she hadn't felt anything then!

"Casey, he wants a word with you." Her mother nudged her again. "Stay awake."

Casey gave her springs a great stretch, glancing outside. There wasn't much light left in the sky, and Michael was sitting at the entrance to the garage, Cassie by his side. Why's she here?

If Cars Could Think 9Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora