Chapter 1

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My name is Bridget and I'm just a normal 16-year old teenage girl. I guess that is said in a lot of stories. I wasn't really great with making friends. Though, I wasn't alone in my life. I had my family, and my friend, Michael. His legs and arms were disabled since birth, but I would take him places when no one else could.

Today I take him to his brother's rugby game. His brother's name is Jacob and his sister's name is Katie. Katie is Michael's twin, though they are completely opposites towards each other. Katie was a cheerleader, so she could help Michael. I was the only one who could actually bring Michael to the game. I wasn't really into rugby but I would always be there to help my best friend.

I take Michael to the front of the seats and I sit next to him. "Thank you for helping me today, Bridget. I would have missed Jacob's game." Michael said. I replied "Well, what are best friends for?" He smiles and watches Jacob's team head onto the field with the other team. "Go Jacob!" we both shouted.

We watch them play. Jacob's team seemed to be winning for the first half. "I can feel it getting cold. Would you like me to get the blanket out of the car?" I asked Michael. "Yes please." he said. I hear to the car, leaving Michael behind. I open the car.

I know I shouldn't be driving at my age, but I've been taught how to drive. I only drive when it's urgent. Michael seeing his brother's game was urgent. I get the blanket and Michael's beanie out of the car. I walk back and I stop something paranormal happen on the field. I was still quite far.

The players stopped and they were backing away from the opening portal. A gigantic humanoid wolf cam out. He stared at everyone and then howled. Other werewolves came out and they started attacking everyone. I ran as fast as I could to save Michael but I was too late. He was bitten.

People that were bitten started turning into werewolves and they had no control over themselves. They followed the leader. I was devastated. I ran to him and he tried to resist the bite turn him. "Michael! I am so sorry. I shouldn't have left you." I said with tears running down my face.

I held his hand, even though I knew he couldn't feel it. "I- I can feel your hand. Though my whole body hurts..." Michael said. His skin started growing fur and his bones started cracking. "Leave! Now! Save the others!" he shouted. I left and tried to save others, though they didn't want me to touch them as they were already bitten. I tried to avoid going near toq werewolves.

I spot Katie being cornered by a werewolf and use a pole to stab it in the head. "I follow me!" I ordered her. "Where's Jacob and Michael?" she asked. "I'll explain later. Just come with me." I said. We both leave and hide in the store room nearby. We heard screaming.

I covered her mouth as we hid in a closed box. A werewolf came in and sniffed the room. We were hiding under dirty sport clothes. The wolf opened the box and closed it again. The wolf avoided to box and left. We hid until the coast was clear.

There was silence and I climbed out. I checked outside of the store room cautiously. There was no living thing in sight. "We're safe." I said. Kate then grabbed me by the shirt and asked "Where are my brothers?" I knew how she felt and said "I'm sorry. I tried to save them."

Kate then let me go and starts crying. I wanted to hug her but she pushed me away. She continued crying and then hugged me. "Who did you try to save?" she asked. "Michael. But he was already bitten. I shouldn't have left him. I didn't see Jacob anywhere when the portal appeared." I said honestly.

"Why did you save me out of everyone else?" she asked. I replied "Because you are one of the closets people to Michael." I sit down and try hiding my tears from her. She notices and rubs my back. She sits down with me and we both sit down in silence.

"I think we should find a safer place to stay"

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