Chapter 2

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I kick a door open to get inside a house. I look inside with a cricket bat. Katie follows behind me with a broom. I signal her to check the kitchen while I check up stairs. She nods and I head upstairs and while she heads to the kitchen. I check the rooms and I spot blood stains and scratch marks all over. The attacks must have mostly happened in the rooms.

I check the cupboards and any other hiding spots for werewolves. The house seems to be empty, besides it being trashed. I look up in the attic. Nothing has been touched. I then check in the bathroom. The bathroom seems to be clean. I wonder what happened in this house.

I mean, I don't see any breakings in by werewolves, but I don't see any signs of living beings either. I head back downstairs to check on Katie. No Katie in sight. Huh. I look in the kitchen. She's not there.

I then hear screaming in one of the rooms in the ground level. I run towards the scream and spot Katie trying to fight against a werewolf. I attempt to knock the werewolf out but fail. I get bitten but continue fighting. Katie didn't see it though. We eventually knock the werewolf out and carry it outside.

I use the jacket on my waist and wear it, to cover my bite mark. Katie then asks "Are you alright?" I replied "Yeah. I'm okay. Just got bruised on my right shoulder. I'm going to get some ice on it just now." Katie then smiled. "You look good wearing Michael's beanie. It suits you." she said. I felt a bit shy and rubbed my head.

"Thanks. I felt like holding onto a piece that reminded me of him." I replied. Katie touched my left shoulder and said "Alright, put ice on that bruise. Then we can get on with securing the building." She leaves to collect furniture for blocking out windows. I go to the kitchen and grab some ice. I then go to the bathroom and lock the door. I grab the medical kid and start taking care of my bite.

It was weird that I haven't turned yet. I better still be careful. Maybe I should let Katie know. But I'm not sure how she'll react. Maybe she's lose hope of finding Jacob. I don't want to lose hope on finding Jacob either.

Maybe I shouldn't tell her...

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