Chapter 7

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I try to keep in the pain but a growl came out of me. The bathroom echoed my growl and I started growing fur. I shout "Katie! Jacob! Run!" I felt the bones shift in my arms and legs. "Are you alright Bridget?" I reply in pain "Make sure I don't get out of this bathroom!" I hear Jacob ask Katie what's happening.

"I'm turning!" I replied in pain. I heard Jacob tell Katie that they should leave. Katie protested and blocked the bathroom door on the other side. My clothes started tearing apart as I was turning into a werewolf. "Gah!" I said, trying to hold the pain. I felt the pain and screamed for hours.

My screams turned into wolf growls. The werewolves outside in a distance were still howling. I transformed but could still control my body. I tried talking to Katie and Jacob but my voice didn't sound human. I couldn't communicate with them. I stayed in the bath tub and hoped that Katie and Jacob would sleep okay.

I fell asleep in the tub a couple minutes later. I had a strange dream where I was human and I was facing the werewolf I turned into. It seems to be growling at me. I was scared and backed away. I then stopped in my tracks and then touched the fur. The werewolf stopped growling and calmed down.

I pet its fur and I could feel that it felt the same way about me; scared. I woke up by a knock on the bathroom door. "Bridget? Are you still human?" I respond "I think so. Though I kinda feel beat up." I hear Katie move stuff away from the door. "Are you sure you want to let me free?" I asked.

Katie replied "Well, I do want to risk seeing if you're okay." I close the shower curtains so she can't see me. I hear the door unlock and open. "Please don't come any closer. I could turn you." Kate closes the door and replies "I don't want to go near you. You have been turned. Though what's confusing is that you have your voice back. That hasn't happened before." I peak my head out, noticing the little pieces of clothing on the floor.

I notice that Kate is carrying a first aid kit. I hide back behind the curtain and look at my bite mark. It's fully closed, leaving a scar. Though, it still hurts. "Please come out there so I can help you." said Kate. "I can't." I said.

"Why not?" Kate replied. "Well, because my bite is now just a scarf and I'm not sure. And the fact is that I'm naked and my clothes are shredded to pieces by my transformation. I am still trying to process everything." I replied. "Alright, I'll get you some clothes out of your bag." Katie said as she left. I wait for a couple minutes and then hear the door open. Katie came back with some of my clothes and left, closing the door.

I get dressed and come out. Katie stares with a mix of worry and causiousness. "Are you alright?" I try to reply but drop because of the pain from transforming last night. She helps me onto the bed and goes downstairs. I lay down, hugging myself because of the pain.

Katie comes back with some water and painkillers. "I'm not sure if this will help but I'm trying." she says. I take the water and painkillers and swallow. I put the glass down and spot Katie sit next to me. We don't say anything for 5 minutes.

"So, when did you get bitten?" Katie said, breaking the silence. I replied "Well, when we first found this building. I saved you for the second time." Katie covered her mouth in shock. "I didn't realise you got bitten. Why didn't you tell me?" I replied "Because you would have lost hope if you found out before finding out that Jacob was alive."

Katie looked surprised and stayed quiet. She then hugged me and started crying. I was shocked by the sudden crying but hugged her back. "Jacob thought you were going to lose yourself when you turned. I stayed behind while he left. He put himself in danger." Jacob left because I turned? "I understand if he didn't want to risk getting bitten because of me..."

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