Chapter 16

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We rush downstairs and see Jacob removing all of the furniture we used to block the exits. "What is wrong with you!? It's evening! The werewolves will be out!" asked Kate. Jacob doesn't say anything and continues. Oliver and Tyler try to tackle Jacob down but that doesn't help stop him. Kate tries to talk some sense into him but it looks like he is doing it on command.

I hear the wolves and give orders. "Kate, tackle your brother down! Tyler, Oliver, block the exits with anything that is strong! I'm going to turn and protect you all!" I get undressed in a room and come out transformed into a werewolf. Other werewolves start coming and I make sure no werewolf enters. I try my best to make sure that no werewolf goes near the others. Tyler and Oliver manage to block the exits but we all know they'll slowly break through.

I grab everyone and head to the basement. The werewolves couldn't see where we went. I transform back and lock the door. Kate gives me her over-sized hoodie and I put it on. Oliver and Tyler were busy with catching their breath, not even noticing that I turned back. I then notice something wrong with Jacob...

He laughed loudly. The sound was unsettling. "For days, you thought Jacob had control over his body, but it is I that had control! You all know me as the werewolf leader!" Jacob said. Kate couldn't say anything. I wanted to step towards him but I was stopped by Kate. "Your friend there is right to stop you from coming any closer. I can easily make this body turn into a werewolf. And everyone here except you will be turned. Then their strength will be too much to handle." he said.

I didn't know what to do. "What do you want from me?" I asked. He giggles and says "Well, only you to be dead." I then ask another question "Is that why you're here? Why haven't you killed me yet? To scared to face me yourself!?" He then said "Well, it would be boring to kill the last absorber without having any fun, right?" I notice Tyler and Oliver are in shock.

Kate's facial expression showed me she was terrified. "How about I make a deal with you? I will come to you in 3 days and we'll have a battle you won't forget. You leave my friends alone, and they'll leave you alone. And give Jacob's body back to us alive." I said. Kate shouts "Bridget! You can't make such a deal! What about our say!?" The werewolf leader that is controlling Jacob's body responds "Sounds like a good deal. A battle to save your friends. Now that's interesting and fun. Alright. I'll give this body back and call my army back to me. I will see you in 3 days on where I arrived." I added "The school field..."

Jacob's body faints and the werewolves disappear to other places. Kate, Tyler, and Oliver surround Jacob. I stand there, processing the fact that I booked my own death. Kate unlocks the door while Oliver and Tyler carry Jacob out. I follow after Kate. I head to where I left my clothes and picked them up. I close the door and change.

I head out and give Kate her hoodie back. Kate looks at me and slaps me. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you do that?" she yelled. I asked "What do you mean?" She punched my shoulder and replied "Make a death wish! You fucking idiot!" I replied "To protect my friends. There isn't another way. He wants me dead, and he'll hurt everyone I care about if I think of myself!"

Kate's eyes are in shock and realization. She then slaps me again and says "You're always a selfless idiot! You know that, right?" I ask "May you please stop hitting me in the face? I get your point." Kate breathes in deeply and responds "Right, I'm sorry. I got pissed by a reckless dumbass." I knew she was talking about me. I whispered so Tyler and Oliver couldn't hear "But I'm your dumbass."

Kate took a moment to process this  then turns red and stutters "What- I- you-." She takes a moment to collect herself and asks "What makes you say that?" I reply "Well..." Oh boy, I'm gonna confess. "I really like you..." Kate blushes and leaves.

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