Chapter 6

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I take Katie's plate once she'd finish eating. I then walk out of the door and see an empty plate outside of Jacob's door. I take the place and head to the kitchen. It started getting dark. I quickly did the dishes and then walked back upstairs. I saw that the master bedroom door was closed so I knocked.

Katie answered "Don't come in!" I wait until she opens the door. I spoke "How long are you going to take? It's not like you have to change into PJs. And if you're showering, you should have went earlier." She replied "Uh, no. Not that, it's just something else." What could she possibly be doing in there? "Are you alright in there?"

Katie responded "Not really. Though please don't come in." I reply "Alright fine. I guess I'll have have to sleep with Jacob tonight since I can't enter the room." I was going to ask Jacob when I heard Katie open the door. I see her head pop out. "Can I asked you something inside the room?" That was weird.

First she doesn't want me to come in and now she doesn't want me to leave. I shouldn't think about it too much. I walk into the room and she closes the door. I ask "What's wrong?" Katie hesitates but then speaks "Well, do you have a pad with you?" I reply "Yes. I'll get one from my bag"

I open my bag and grab a pad from a packet. I hand it to her and she heads to the bathroom. I didn't really think about it much and made sure that nothing can break in anywhere. I then switch off the lights and climb in bed. It takes me a while to fall asleep. I was constantly thinking about Michael as I watched him turn into one of those werewolves.

Katie comes back and climbs in. She takes some of the blanket and tries to stay warm. I notice that she couldn't sleep either. "Hey Katie, are you awake?" Katie turns around and replies "Yeah. I'm guessing you can't sleep either." I nod in response.

"What makes you want to continue?" she asks. I answer "Well, Michael was my only friend. I couldn't protect him which means I can only protect the people he loves that are still alive. What about you?" Katie responds "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure. Before you saved me, I thought I was gonna turn and I accepted it. But then you showed me hope. And I thought we weren't going to make it this far, but we have and I can't believe it. My brother is still human and himself, and I'm happy to see him. That makes me want to ask you something." I reply "What is it?" She asks "Do you like Jacob?" I answer "Wait, are you going to be mad if I said yes?"

Katie replied "No, not really. I doubt that you two will stay together anyways." I ask "What do you mean by that?" She answers "Well, I know my brother. He finds a girlfriend, thinks she's the one and then relationship doesn't last long a week later." I teased "Says the one who pushes boys away. What? Are you jealous that he dates more people than you-" I get smacked by a pillow in my face. She hits hard, even if it was just a pillow.

"You didn't have to hit that hard." I said in pain. She didn't talk to me and turned away. I probably shouldn't have teased her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologized and turned my back towards her and try to sleep. I still struggle to sleep and I notice that Katie is still awake.

"It's alright." she said softly. We hear the werewolves start to howl from afar. The bite mark on my arm started hurting. I quickly went to the bathroom and locked the door. I looked at the bite mark and it started glowing through the bandages.

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