Chapter 12

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I try my best to get sleep. Kate read a book after we chatted for an hour. "Kate?" I called. She answered "Yes?" I replied "Is Jacob still suspicious of me? You remember the other night where I started turning, and he left because of that but he didn't see me turn." Kate answered "Don't worry about it. Jacob asked me what happened and I explained to him that there was another werewolf in the bathroom, trying to turn you. I told him I helped and we got rid of the werewolf."

I ask "Does he believe it?" Kate replies "I'm not sure. If he asks, then tell him the same story in your own version." I nod and hug her, saying "Thank you." We let go of the hug and talk about life before the apocalypse happened. We actually had a few things in common and we talked like there was nothing to worry about. I did notice that every time she looked at my bandages, she would lower her voice.

"Is everything alright?" I asked. She gives a slight smile and replies "Uh, yeah. I'm alright. Why do you ask?" I then say "Well, I notice that every time you look at my injuries, your voice becomes softer." Kate replied "Yeah. It's just that you could have died there if it weren't for Jacob coming to switch the power back on." I say "I'm guessing we still don't have power." She nods.

I notice the time on Kate's watch. "Shouldn't they be back by now?" I asked. She looks on her watch and replies "Yeah. I wonder what's taking so long. I hope they make it before the sun sets." I then ask "Well, where did they go?" Kate answered "I'm not sure where they went to search food."

We talk a bit while we wait for the others to come back. We then hear shouting outside. It was coming from Jacob. Kate ran downstairs and moved the furniture to let them in. The group runs in and help Kate block the entrance. We hear howling nearby and they keep quiet. I tried to get out of bed but failed.

The howling passed and the group comes upstairs. I saw Kate come in with Oliver. He asks "How are you feeling?" I reply "Still struggle to get up but at least I'm awake and can talk." He giggles and says "At least."

"Alright, so the reason why we were late was because we spent extra time trying to find food. Jacob insisted that we stay for a bit longer and search. We found food but it was so close to the wolves. We covered ourselves with mud and put some of our scent everywhere to confuse them so they don't know where we are." Oliver said, entertaining me with his adventure. Jacob then comes in and says "Keep it down will you?" Oliver apologized. Jacob takes one look at me and leaves. Kate notices this and heads out to talk to Jacob. I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

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