Chapter 4

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I wake up in the middle of the night, hearing the howling of werewolves. I felt scared. I was surprised to see Katie sleeping, not bothered by the howling. I wake up the next morning and I try to move. I felt an arm over me. I move Katie's arm off me without waking her up. She was sleeping on her stomach side.

I felt a bit awkward and left her in the room to sleep. I didn't really like people touching me while I'm sleeping, unless I know them really well. I didn't know Katie well. She shared her blanket. That's about it. Today I'm going to look for another blanket.

First, I have to eat. I look in my bag for my anti-depresant pill. I had so many things I needed in my bag. Mostly food. It was hard searching for food. The werewolves also like human food, which leaves us survivors to fight for food.

Katie and I ran into a survivor on the first day of survival, but he stole our food while we were running from werewolves. They went after him and he got bitten. Today is the third day of survival. I take out my water bottle and fill it with water. And then pour a glass of water and drink, swallowing my pill. I stretch for a while. I then take Katie's bottle and fill it with water.

I put the bottle back in her bag but then notice something in her bag. It was her phone and it had signal. Jacob sent a message. I quickly ran upstairs with Katie's phone and woke her up. She looked miserable but I gave her the phone. Her eyes widen and she quickly sent a message back to Jacob.

We couldn't believe he was alive. He said he was alive and not harmed. He was just hiding from the werewolves. I don't blame him. The wolves can track you down like prey. Once they have your scent, you're in trouble.

Katie and I spay ourselves with insect repellent every single time we head outside. I took a bold move and observed the wolves on the first day of survival. Good thing I did, or we'd be werewolves. Anyway, Jacob said that he was stuck and needs help. He sent us his location and we packed our things. We made sure no one will break in while we were gone.

We usually walk in the centre of the road. Just to be safe. As we were walking, I started the conversation. "I'm so glad that Jacob is alive. Aren't you?" I said. Katie didn't say anything. I stopped smiling and then asked "Hey, are you okay?"

Katie didn't want to answer me but then eventually speaks "It's just that...I love my brother and all...but don't you have a bad feeling?" I answer with confusion "Uh, not at all? What do you mean?" She sighs and responds "We both know where he is. He's at the stadium. Why is he in the stadium in the first place? And the stadium gets dark when there's no power, even during the day. What if he doesn't survive and we rescue him for nothing? What if we don't make if out alive? What if-" I cut her off "Katie!" She then eyes me and pushes me, shouting "Don't Katie me! I have a right to worry!"

Back to hating me again. "Sorry. I just wanted you to let me do the worrying." I said calmly. She sighs and then replies "No, it wasn't your fault. I'm still trying to get over all this. It started off with just a night of cheering for Jacob, and then it's this werewolf apocalypse that came out of no where. I just hope we somehow survive this." I put my hand on her shoulder. "I understand where you're coming from. I feel overwhelmed, afraid, angry, sad. All of those emotions." I tell her. Katie looks at me. "How can you stay so calm? You've seen my emotional side so many times. I've only seen yours once. Once!" she said with a questioning face.

I reply "Well, I've been hiding my emotions basically my whole life. I only had Michael, remember? Losing him was the only thing that broke me that day. But I didn't give up because I lost him. I lost family. You lost family. Things happen. I mean, I'm still entirely freaked about about the apocalypse. I'm laughing even though it's scary. Though I'm staying calm because you need someone to help you go through this. And so do I." Her face lights up a little. I never see her being so normal with me. She's being herself. I like it.

We arrive at the stadium with our so called 'weapons'. We causiously head inside, following Jacob's live location. I hear growling and point the torch towards it. It was a werewolf, though it seemed to be afraid of the torch. It thinks the light on the torch is sunlight. Katie noticed this and puts her torch on as well.

I make sure the werewolf doesn't go near us while Katie follows the directions. We arrive and we see rubble. I make the torch brighter and put it down. I help Katie dig. Jacob then yells for help. We spot that a piece stopped the rubble from flattening him. He looked like he got trapped there for days.

We help him out. He doesn't seem to be harmed but is full of dust. We then head out of the stadium, back in the sun. My heart stopped pounding because I knew we were safe. Katie and Jacob hug. I could see they were happy to see each other.

"Let's get back to safety. We can't risk staying outside any longer and lose track of time." Katie nods and we head back to the building. We make sure that there weren't any possible break-ins after entering. "So, Bridget. Where's Michael?" Shit, I totally forgot to tell him. I'm the worst.

I take the beanie I'm wearing and give it to him. He holds onto it and holds back tears. I could tell he missed his brother. "I'm going to let you hang onto that while I go to the bathroom." I said. I didn't want to overwhelm him or make him feel worse.

Katie usually comforts him. Not me. I just have a crush on him. A simple crush. For 2 months now.

I head to the bathroom and lock the door. I take my shirt off, looking at the bandage. I take it off, revealing the bite mark. It looks infected, but I'm still not turning. Could I be immune, or just turning slower than everyone else that was bitten?

I take cotton wool and Savlon. I clean my wound, flinching in pain. It feels like a dog bit me. Luckily I've had a tetanus shot 4 years ago. I then look for cream for the bite mark. The wolf's teeth really went into my shoulder.

I take some guase and cover the bite mark with it. I took the bandage and wrapped it around. I put my shirt back on. Luckily the bandage isn't sticking out. I then head back down and Jacob hands me the beanie. "You need it more than me. You were his best friend." he said.

I take the beanie and put it on my head. Katie then smiles sweetly. I've never seen her smile so sweetly before. My face revealed a shocked expression and Katie stopped smiling. She then threw the couch pillow on me. "Can you stop looking at me?" she said.

I block the pillow and then leave. Jacob then follows me. "So, you're the one that rescued the helpless Katie?" I give him a confused look and say "Um, yes?" Jacob responds "I find that really heroic." I spot him wink at me but I look away, blushing.

Since when does this huge teddy bear flirt with me? Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. What do I say? Do I flirt with him back? Saying nothing seems to be a safe option but I don't want him to feel awkward. I then turn around and punch him in the stomach.

I walk away, not wanting to talk to him. Why did I do that? The poor guy. I feel sorry for him. He then catches up to me and says "I'm sorry if I offended you." I turn around and say "You didn't offend me, I just...panicked..."

He then laughs. "So it wasn't because you rejected my flirtations?" I blush and then ask "Can you stop that please?" Jacob then responds "Alright, I'll stop flirting with you. Just to let you know I kind of like you. And usually I'd be too shy to say anything to you, but we're alone, and I feel comfortable around you." I then blush again. I felt my face turn red.

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