Chapter 20

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He hesitates first but then lets me hug him. He slowly hugs back. I let go and he says "I am sorry. I can't kill you. I have this grudge but when I want to kill you, I can't." I didn't say anything to him and just stood there. He snapped his fingers and the werewolves let go of my friends. "You're more human than I thought. You thought of your friends before yourself. You were ready to give up your life so I could live. I deserve your hatred."

He walks away and sits somewhere on the grand stands. My friends come and hug me. Kate was behind them. My friends let me go and Kate walked towards me. She hugged me tightly. She then let go and punched me.

"That was incredibly reckless, dumbass!" Kate said. "I know it was." I said calmly. Kate then replied with a smile "You are an idiot, Bridge." I answered "I know." Kate then hands me my changing bag. "Get dressed. You embarrassed yourself well enough. The boys were horrified."

I replied "Right. I will. I just need to do something first." I walk towards the werewolf leader. I sit next to him and say "Would it help you brighten up if I said I'd give you a second chance?" He replied "I've turned every human being other than your friends into werewolves. How would you give me a second chance if I am that horrible." I answered "Well, you can reverse it, right?" He then says "Yes, but it will take longer to turn them back into humans than turning them to into werewolves."

I replied "Well, it's not impossible, so if you can do that, then you have my forgiveness." His ears lifted up. "Really? Even if it will take months?" I notice my friends have heard. I look at them and they nod their heads. I smile back at the werewolf leader.

"Yes. What do you need to do?" The werewolf leader replied "Well, I need to gather all of the werewolves around the planet and do a spell for every 10 in a group. I can't change them all back at once. Once I do the spell, they will transform back and teleport right where they first transformed." I said "Well when do we start?" He replied. Well, can we try tomorrow, I notice the sun is going down and I'm sure you all need your sleep." Kate replies "Yes, we can start first thing tomorrow." She then grabs me to the bathroom with my back.

"Now get dressed! I might like you, but I don't want you staying naked in front of everyone." I nod and get dressed in a stall. I come back out and head to the werewolf leader. "Here's your coat back." I give him the coat back and he puts it back on. "Thank you." he replies.

We set up our tents on the field close to the grand stands and switch on our torches. We grab our canned food and Jacob uses a mini gas stove to warm up the canned food. We noticed that the werewolf leader slowly gathered the werewolves by howling. He stopped after 30 minutes and checked up on us. "Was the howl bothering you? I just wanted to collect a few for the morning. I will let you all get ready for sleep." he asked. "Thank you for your thoughtfulness. We'll head to bed soon. Why don't you rest?" Oliver said.

"Yes, I guess I should." the werewolf leader said. He walks to the grand stands and lays down to sleep. The rest of us sleep in the tent. The next morning, I wake up early. The werewolf leader starts collecting a group of werewolves and starts chanting to turn them back. The rest of us take care of the people and helped them.

10 years later, somewhere by the Great wall of China...

"Bridget, you sure you smelled a werewolf here?" said Kate. I transform back from a werewolf into a human, wearing a special suit. "Yeah, I smelled a scent that was recognised the other day. Whoever this werewolf is, they hate taking orders." I said. Kate then held my hand and said "I trust you and your nose." I reply "Then we better find them before that werewolf turns another person." Kate kissed my cheek and said "Alright boss. I'll follow your steps."

I transform into a werewolf and Kate climbs on me. We've spent 10 years, still searching for the werewolves that didn't come for the call. You could say the group all seperated to help search for them around the world. The humans have slowly started getting back on track. Everyone is aware of the problem and we are all doing something about it. Werewolf hunters are the only ones allowed to cross boarders anywhere without problems because of the world's shared problem.

Hopefully this problem won't continue in my lifetime. Hopefully we can end the post-werewolf apocalypse. It's hard finding the last few but no one will give up. Even if we won't be able to end it, we still have to try.

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