Chapter 8

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"You don't understand, he left and didn't care if I would die by my stupidity." she said. I replied "Hey, you warned me about him, what did you expect from him? To be honest, I liked him but I never really knew him." Katie responded "Well, I wish he didn't change 2 years ago. He was sweet, kind, and caring. Now he just cares for himself. I guess that's what made me distant from him." I stay silent for a bit. "Well, at least you're alive and still have someone with you."

Katie smiled and said "True, though I wonder if we bump into more survivors." I replied "We might, and maybe my newly wolf powers could save others this time. But there are gonna be obstacles." Katie asked "The transforming part? Yeah. I know that." I laugh in awkwardness and reply "Heh, well, I don't really what's happening to me. I'm afraid if I lose myself, but I know that I was still myself when I transformed last night. That reminds me, how long have I been screaming in the bathroom? I hope I didn't attract any danger towards us." Katie sighed and then stood up, saying "A few hours or more. Don't worry about it. They didn't come inside. Anyway, you must be hungry. I'll see what I can cook up." I watch her as she leaves and lie down to rest.

I didn't really sleep well so I decided to sleep. The pain still bothered me and I couldn't get comfortable. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them again, Katie was waking me up. I get up and she hands me a plate full of food. "Breakfast in bed? I feel so lucky." I teased. Katie replied "Don't make me smash the food in your face!"

"Alright. Fine, I won't tease you again."  Katie then sat down on the other side of the bed and we both started eating. We didn't talking to each other because we were enjoying our meal. "How much food is left?" I asked. Katie replied "Well, we still have for two more days worth of food." I was shocked.

Our food decreased so rapidly? "Where did it go?" I asked. She replied "Jacob took most of our food. He took the cans, the meat, most of the foods we need. He left the eggs, milk, and bread." I responded "That jerk! I can't believe him." Katie touched my shoulder and said "Calm down, we'll scavenger hunt today and find more. Not sure where though." I sigh and stand up.

Kate stops me and takes my plate. She goes down to the kitchen and I can hear her washing dishes. A moment later, she comes back up and empties her bag out. She starts strapping herself with hockey pads. "Wait, don't tell me you're going to leave me here. I'm not disabled!" Katie smirks "Well, I mean, you can come with, though I thought the transformation did a number on you."

"It did...but you can't be by yourself. We're stronger as a team, remember? That means we don't leave each other behind." Katie doesn't say anything. I get up but I can still feel the pain everywhere. She spots this and helps me up gently. "It would be a bad idea if you did come with, but if I turn, you'll act like a cry baby." she said. I stick my tongue out at her and she sticks hers out after I did.

I fight through the pain and get ready. We then head out and make sure that no one can break in the building. We then walk on the middle of the road. We decide to search a house that was a few blocks away from where we were staying. I open the door and we search the rooms.

We hear sounds. Something was chewing on food. We were ready to protect ourselves and sneak past. We looked at each other and tried as slowly as we could to check on where that sound came from. I sneak first to follow the sound. I enter the kitchen and saw...

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