Chapter 10

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I wake up and Katie is no where in sight. I check the rooms and see that it's empty. I check downstairs. I see the lounge is trashed. I pick up a piece of wood as I hear a noise in the kitchen. I walk towards the noise. As I turn into the corner, I was about to attack, but it was the same stranger the white-furred werewolf turned back into a human.

I spot Katie tied up on the other side. I hold the sharp part of the wood piece towards him. "Hold on. I can explain." I continue to point it at him and respond "How can I trust you when you tied up my ally?" He shrugs and answers "I'll untie her now. I thought she was going to kill me." I watch him untie Katie and I then say "We saved your butt yesterday! Who said we were going to kill you?"

Katie is untied and walks to my side. "Okay, I have no idea what happened. All I know is that I got bitten by a werewolf and turned. I don't remember anything after that." he said. I look at Katie to ask if we should tell him. She shakes her head and then I speak "Well, we were searching for food when we saw you. A werewolf came in and we pulled you out of there. Now you're here, safe." He looked confused "Did I really turn back? But how?." Katie and I shrug. "We're not sure."

Then man sighed. He then said "Thanks for the clothes." Katie replied "Pleasure." I then make breakfast for the 3 of us. "So, what's your name?" I ask him. The man replies "My name is Oliver."

Katie then asks "Wait, Oliver as in Oliver Scott? The strongest rugby player in our school team?" He then asked in shock "Kathrine Fall? No wonder you look familiar. Cheerleader right?" Katie replies "Yeah. Though what happened to you. You look different." Oliver replied "Well, it must have been from the werewolf transformation. By the way, do you know if Jacob is alive?" Katie replies in a disgusted tone "We saved his butt from a collapsed building and he abandoned us when we almost got caught by a werewolf." Oliver's face was shocked.

"I can't believe he did that. That's not like him at all." he said. I start making breakfast as Oliver still processes what has happened. Katie helps me with the eggs and bacon. As I took over with the cooking, Oliver came in the kitchen because of the smell. Kate zoned out for a bit when she was waiting for the toast to pop out. I finished cooking and we all are together.

As we finished, I made my way to boil the kettle. Halfway from the kettle boiling, the power went out. I knew that meant the werewolves have reached the city's power station. Katie and Oliver looked at me with concern because they knew it as well. We have a long journey ahead of us.

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