Chapter 3

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I wrap my wound with bandages and then put my shirt back on. I noticed that the bandage could stick out. I put my jacket on and zipped it closed. I couldn't see it. Luckily the weather is cold today.

I head back downstairs and helped Katie block any possible werewolf break-ins. We even blocked the front door with a cupboard. Katie peeked through a gap in the window. "It looks like it's going to rain today. The wolves might be out, but not a lot of them. If we know them well by now, they'd take this chance to search for more survivors." Katie pushed the cupboard to hide the gap.

"I hope we find Jacob. I don't know what I'll do if I find out he turned. There's a high possibility it could have happened." Katie said freaking out. I use my hand and to cover her mouth and speak softly "I know you're worried right now, but we can't risk being cornered by werewolves." I felt Katie's sigh on my hand and removed it off her mouth. "You're right. We can't risk making any loud noises." said Katie. I take out two cans of tuna and open them. I then take out bread.

I make tuna sandwiches for the two of us and we eat. "To be safe, we have to share a room." I said while eating. "Share? But we will make noise while moving a bed into another room." said Katie. "Well, we could always avoid that and go for the double matress. There aren't any bunk beds in here. And this is the only secure houses we found so far." I replied. "Seriously? Can you at least make sure you don't steal the blanket this time?" she asked. "I'll try."

I head to the room with the double bed. I remove the ruined blankets. Luckily the matress isn't ruined. I look for blankets that aren't ruined or stained with blood. I found one blanket available. It wasn't even going to fit on the double bed.

I sigh and then put it on the bed. I then walk back to Katie. "I have some bad news. There's only one blanket that's in good condition, and it's not big enough for the double bed." She looks like she wasn't going to enjoy tonight. "Good news is, that you'll be using the blanket. I'll find something else to sleep with." Katie then looked at me with concern and said "Are you sure? You're gonna be cold."

I nodded and replied "Yeah, I'll be fine. Don't worry." Katie still looked concerned and then the Katie I know re-appeared. "Well, if you would like to torture yourself, go ahead. I won't say I told you so." I kind of hated hearing those words. Sure, we were going to work as a team, but we're not friends. I was friends with Michael but not Katie. She always acted mean around me.

To be honest, I see her try to hide her emotions but I know it's difficult for her. I'd just pretend I didn't see her caring about me. I still don't understand why she's like this. She's been like this ever since I became friends with Michael. Well, when Michael first introduced me as his friend to his siblings.

Wait, does she knows that I like Jacob? How long has she known? Did Michael tell her? Does Jacob know? Oh shit. She hates me because I like her older brother.

Wait, but she does care about people. Of course she's not heartless. She's human, just like me. I just wish we would get a long. She did forgive me for not successfully saving Michael. I suppose that's a step closer to becoming friends with her.

Katie walks upstairs to the master bedroom and she climbs in. I climb in bed as well, but we don't even go close to each other. I find it hard trying to sleep. I was cold. I could feel the coldness come through my jeans. I started shivering, trying not to wake Katie up.

I then feel a hand poke my back. I turn around to see Katie offering to share her warmth. I hesitate but she just shares the blanket with me. She was still dozing off. She fell asleep and I also started dozing off. I then fell asleep.

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