Chapter 19

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I get up from the ground and spot the leader walk up to me. I try to hit him but he dodges and pins me down on the ground. He then kicks me and I could feel my body roll. He slowly walks closer."Doesn't look like you know when to quit. Reminds me of your mother." he said. I lay down, feeling like my life will end.

"Mummy, were are we going?" I asked. The woman held my hand with tears running down her face. "Why are you crying?" I asked in confusion. I look at the man packing the car. "Are we moving house?" I asked. The woman replied "Yes, we are moving house. You will be in a better home that is so much safer than here."

I then climb in the car. I saw them both in tears as they climb in the car after me. "Don't worry. We will have a new home and that home will be better. Don't cry." I said as we drove away. I climb out to car to see a building and a woman standing outside, waiting for us. I see the man give my things to the woman. I then see the woman that was holding my hand earlier walk up to me and hug me.

The man hugged me as well. "Goodbye, Bridget. We will miss you so much. Be a good girl for us." I then asked "Are you off to work already?" The woman smiled sweetly and said "Yes honey, we are." I then replied "Okay, bye bye mummy. Bye bye daddy." I saw them leave and then went inside with the lady holding my things.

Let's go back to when we arrived on the school field. The werewolf leader stood there on the middle of the field and said "I'm glad you could make it Bridget. So, you brought your friends. Perfect." He clicks his fingers and the werewolves hold them in place. "Hey! Let go of my friends!" I said. He replies "It's just you and me in this battle. I have no intention of breaking our deal. I am doing my part by not letting them on the battlefield. You don't want them to get hurt, do you?"

"No, I don't." I responded. "Good." He said. "But I refuse to fight you." I continued. Everything went quite. "Excuse me? The last time I checked, which was 10 seconds ago, you have no choice but to fight me!" he said angrily. I stand there, realizing that I can't change the position I'm in.

"Alright fine." I said as I transformed into my werewolf form, clothes ripping off me. "Let's dance." I continued. He walks forward with his hands ready to tear me apart. "Oh, I've been waiting years for this." he said as we started to fight. "What do you mean years?" I asked.

I was taken off focus because I was trying to figure out what he meant and I went off guard. I felt a punch in my jaw and then fell on the ground. I then get up and shake my head. "Your parents and your kind are the reason why I want you all dead! I will enjoy every part of killing you." he yelled. I tried to defend myself by blocking his attacks but when I tried to hit back, he blocked and threw me back. I was a bit weak and transformed back into my human form.

I watched him walk towards me. I get up from the ground and stand up, not caring about anything covering me. I try to hit him but he dodges and pins me down on the ground. He then kicks me and I could feel my body roll. He slowly walks closer."Doesn't look like you know when to quit. Reminds me of your mother." he said.

I zone out for a bit then I look at him. "What did they do to make you want them dead?" I asked in a weak voice, trying to sound strong. He stopped and said "Of course they didn't tell you anything about themselves. They are selfish, a bunch of narcissists! All of them! They didn't care about me. I was their friend, and this is what they did to me. Your parents, your kind. Every one of them." He takes off a coat to reveal burn scars all over his body. I was shocked. I decide to stand up.

"I have no idea who my parents even were, but they never raised me. I never got a chance to get to know them. They left me in an orphanage since I was 6 years old. Why kill me if I've never done anything to hurt you without you hurting me?" He replied "Because I know what you'll become. My father raised your mother when she was left alone by her family. We taught her everything of being human because we educated ourselves with being human. Caring, understanding, supportive, and how to look after relationships. We taught her everything we knew. We even told her what she was. One day, she just...she just, killed them. I know what your kind is like. They are the real monsters. They tried to take my clan's powers away from us after burning me with fire! I was weak and couldn't defend my clan. My brothers kicked me out of the clan after coming back from their adventure. They thought I was the traitor! And you know what else? Your kind came to this world to mess with the humans and forget their humanity. There are so many problems in this world because of them. Global warming, countries hating each other, crime. I have decided to take over this world to bring that humanity back. I want to kill every last absorber in existence." I was shocked to hear about this. I couldn't just tell him that I'm not like them but maybe I will be. I then stand there, arms wide open. "Then you can kill me. If I will become one of them, then I shouldn't live, right?"

I just stood there waiting for the werewolf leader to kill me. I heard voices yelling at me, telling me not to let him kill me. "Then you shall die." he said. He grabbed my throat and held me up. "I gladly will." I said with tears running down my face. "I don't want to be a monster like them, even though I am one of them. I didn't choose to be an absorber by blood."

His claws come out and they extend back. He quickly moves his claws towards my stomach but then stops. "You're right. You didn't choose to be an absorber. No one can choose who they are based on birth." He lets go of me and gives me the fur coat he uses to cover his burns. I use it to cover myself. I then walk closer to him.

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