Chapter 9

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I was horrified. What I saw was a werewolf eating another werewolf. I've never seen them attack each other. This one looked different from the others. It's white fur was full of blood. We quietly head out but Katie accidentally kicked a broken vase with her foot.

The werewolf focuses her attention towards us. It growls at us. I stand in front of Katie and take off my clothes slowly. I transform into a werewolf and protect Katie. The snow-coloured werewolf looks at me with curiosity. It walks towards me.

I growl and it backs away. I stopped and it went close again. I wonder if I could talk to it. "Hey! Can you understand me?" I asked. The werewolf sat down. It looked like it was just a scavenger who was kicked out of the pack.

I think it sees me as an alpha. We then see the werewolf body heal and then turn back into a human. I transformed back and went close to the wolf. I put my hand out. The wolf backed away for a bit but then let me touch it's fur. I pet the werewolf and it seems friendly.

"Um, this is nice and all, but may you please put your clothes back on? We have a mission to finish, not to play around nude." said Katie. I put my clothes back on and we check on the person in the kitchen. He seems unconscious. I look at the snow-white werewolf. I take my over-sized hoody and put it over the stranger. I then walk towards the werewolf.

"Were you a human?" I asked. The werewolf shook it's head. "How can you understand me then?" I asked again, getting curious. It pointed at me. I didn't understand why it pointed at me. "I don't understand." I replied.

It pointed at me again and then pointed at the unconscious man. It then went on its fours and looks behind it back then back at me. I then take the man, then Katie and I climb on the wolf's back. "Oh, and when you get undressed to transform, please let me know before you do it." Katie said. I replied "I'll keep that in mind."

The werewolf sniffs out food and leads us to food. We search the house and collected what we needed. I pet the wolf fur and it seems to like it. We head back to the building and the wolf leaves as soon as we get off it. Why did it help us? I notice that Katie seems lost in thought. She's probably also thinking about the wolf.

We head inside because of the sun setting. We block the exit and then eat before the sun completely settles. I head to go shower when I noticed my bite mark glowing through my shirt. It was glowing in a neon green. I took off my clothes and transformed. I noticed that my fur was different from the first time.

I had grey fur with strips of green. I look at myself in the mirror when Katie barges in. "You almost gave me a heart attack. I almost thought you were a werewolf. By the way, why do you have green in your fur?" I close the curtains as I climb in the shower. I transform back and say "I have know idea. My bite mark started glowing into a neon green. I transformed and I guess the look got an upgrade. Woah. My arms have pattern on them. Wait, there's patterns all over my body."

Katie replies "That is weird." I switch on the hot water and start washing myself. "Yeah. Do you think there could be some meaning behind it?" I asked while washing my hair. She replied as she was brushing her teeth "Well, maybe. I guess we'll find out soon." I rinsed my hair out and said "Wait, are you brushing your teeth? I'm showering here." Katie teases "Says the one who has to take off her clothes in order to transform into a werewolf."

I roll my eyes and continue to shower. "Haha very funny." I replied. She replied "I'm serious. You really don't care if you embarrass yourself. You've done it so many times before the apocalypse." I reply "Wait, you remember those incidents?" She replies "Of course I do. You were the biggest loser that year. Ever since those incidents, you've been respected." I smile a bit.

"What I find impressive is how you reacted towards those incidents." Katie said softly. I reply "You found me laughing, impressive?" She answered "Yes. I mean, a lot of people would feel embarrassed if they had to gives the clothes they are wearing to someone who had a puking incident on a photoshoot." I replied "I'm guessing you were there to witness it." Katie replied "No, but Michael wouldn't stop telling me how much of a role model you were to him." I started tearing up.

"I didn't know that. I probably failed him." I tried keeping in the sobbing. "Hey, let it out." she said. I start crying and she stayed for company. I eventually stop crying and finish showering. Katie passes my towel to me and I cover myself after drying.

I leave the bathroom with my clothes and let her shower. I put cream on my skin and then get dressed. Katie opens the bathroom door a while later after showering. She has her towel covering her self. She heads to my bag and grabs a pad. I forgot she was on her period.

I watch as she heads back to the bathroom and close the door. A moment later, she comes back all dressed and we head to bed. I yawn and pull the blanket. "Hey! We need to share." Katie moaned. "It's cold." I replied. "Then share your warmth. That's one of the rules of survival." she said.

I sighed and replied "Fine." I move closer to her we both fall asleep, better than usual.

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