Chapter Fifty-Three : Technically, It's Spaghettification

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Do you know what the worst best feeling ever is?

You don't.

How about the best worst?


Because you don't know how it feels to be this close to Hazel.

It had taken me about ten minutes to talk her into moving, and when I finally did, it was so worth it. Now, she was cuddled up at my side and we were sitting on one of the couches in her living room with the TV turned off.

I think I explained before the feeling where I wasn't really in love with Hazel, but I was starting to wrap my head around how easy it would be to just fall for her. That's pretty much how I felt. I could feel her heart pulsing gently against my chest, her soft breath on my neck, her warm body sharing itself with mine. And I couldn't help but recognize that I was dangerously close to falling for her, if not already past the event horizon.

"What are you thinking about?" Hazel whispered, looking my way but with closed eyes. Her eyelashes, I noticed all too painfully, were spiked from dried tears. And there were still ghosts of the streams that ran over her face.

I almost forgot that she said anything at all- and then I remembered that she had been asking me something. And then it took a moment for me to process that I was meant to answer. It's funny how everything is in slow motion and faster than light with Hazel.

"Event horizons." I answered absently, my mind was in my fingers, itching to tangle themselves- to become lost in Hazel's ebony black hair.

"Why?" She breathed. She looked and sounded so fragile, so utterly bare, and it made my chest crumple and implode.

"Because the event horizon of a blackhole is the point at which nothing can escape the blackhole's gravity."

"I don't understand you, Grace." I felt warm air drift over my skin as she sighed. Oh god, I'm hopeless.

"Oh?" I bit my lip and cautiously allowed myself to lift some of the hair that'd fallen into a wall between us away from her face, and tucked it behind her ear. She tensed at first, I almost retracted my touch out of guilt, but it seemed that she relaxed a little after the initial startle I'd given her.

"You're vague in your reasoning." She considered, her eyes still closed but not tightly shut. "You give me your conclusions without your evidence. You're thinking of event horizons but you would not usually think of just an event horizon given the situation. I am lacking the connection between this, the physical reality, and what you see." She finally opened her eyes. I was dazed again without warning. It must be part of her superhuman identity- how her eyes obliterated any shred of sense in my mind in the same way they stole all the air from my lungs.

I knew I was past my event horizon.

I knew I was being torn apart by the force of all of it.

I knew I was passing another event horizon the moment I started waiting for her eyes to open. Going, going, and gone.

I couldn't help it. I closed my eyes so I wouldn't see it happening.

I kissed her.

And this time, the burden was on me. I kissed Hazel. Hazel merely let me.

It wasn't much on the surface, nothing more than usual, anyway. The usual burning and exploding and blazing of lightning bugs and stars in my mind, the jolt of the lightning she spawned in my blood. The usual invisible scorch marks she pressed into my skin where she touched, however light it may be. The only obvious difference in this kiss, from the outside, was that it was far shorter and gentler than the forceful, sudden, or impatient kisses we'd shared. This time it was lighter than air, but somehow the magnitude of it shoved me deeper than ever before into the unknown.

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