What Happened In California (O2L Fanfic)

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What to do want to do? This city is so boring. No cute boys, no fun..This is California? This is the only thing that goes through my mind all the time. Don't get me wrong, Cali is cool. It's warm, don't have to wear so many layers of clothing. It's great. It's just, I'm so alone, so obviously I like causing trouble. I love the adrenaline rush, the excitement.

It all started when my parents divorced, my mother left, she said that what my father provided her with wasn't enough. So, I'm stuck with my dad. He always wanted the best for me, but when he tries to get me to do something I can't help, but do the complete opposite.

Anyways, I'm Shelby. I know you were expecting something a little tougher. I know. I hate it too. I live here in San Clemente Cali with my father. I am 17 years old. I'm not like other adolescents, I am apart of anything that involves music in school. I don't care for some of the people there, but most of them are really cool, I just don't fit with them.

I don't have a lot friends which is fine. My main best friend Ezra is the only one who really gets me. Although I am always alone, which I don't mind. I am always alone anyways, my dad is always at work. I am an A+ student, but I don't try to be. I just have a brain unlike those air headed blonde girls at my school. Even though I am part blonde.

I am a dirty blonde (brown and blonde if you didn't know), I am thin, 5"7 with icy blue eyes. I basically live in detention and do whatever I can to make my dad angry. I don't care. I love trouble, I don't bully people, I don't judge others, but making teachers angry is like a hobby.

Everyday in the summer, I get up late in the morning and skate all afternoon. I stop to grab an Arizona then skate more. At night, I go to this warehouse looking place with Ezra where people like me go to perform their passion like music, magic really anything. I go there on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Oh, and I make Youtube videos. I have over 100,000 subscribers and a lot of them are my favorite youtubers! Even all of the members of 02L. I heard that Sam and Kian live in the same city as me, but I don't believe that. I haven't seen them here.

Anyways I start school tomorrow! Along with the trouble. I am just ready for senior year so I can get out of here. I have been talking to a Youtuber named Andrea Russett who has been talking about New York. I was born in Boston and yes I have a Boston accent which kids always mock me for. Some kids make me repeat things and which causes me to get really insecure.

Andrea talks about meeting up soon which will be really cool! I just have to somehow get the money to go. I get that I live in a mansion with my dad who has a lot of money, but he won't give it to me. I guess I'm on my own.

Like always.

Authors Note**

So this is the beginning ! It gets better from here ! If you have read my first book Falling For the Cloud, Then you know about Shelby, but not her past and if you haven't read it then you should definitely start because certain things in it have something to do with this story. I hope you enjoy what I have in store and please VOTE, FAN, and COMMENT! xoxo!

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