Ch. 10

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Kian P.O.V

I woke up early the next day. I took a shower and changed then grabbed my bag and went downstairs. I put my bag down and went into the kitchen to see a note from my mom.


Went out with your sister. Be back tonight xoo ~ Mom

I put the note down and scanned the fridge. I pulled out bacon, eggs, and an arizona and started cooking. When I was done eating, I texted Sam to see if he wanted to skate. I sat down on the couch and saw that he read it , but didn't reply. That made me so angry. 

"Hey bro." Sam said behind me making me jump.

"Oh you scared me idiot!" I said throwing a pillow at him. He laughed and sat down.

"Where's Shelbs?" He asked.

"Idk." I said looking down.

"Jc told me about the fight . Dude she will come around." He said patting my back.

"I know , but still . I feel bad you know?" I said, he nodded.

"Text her then let's go." He said getting up. I nodded and pulled out my phone.

Hey Shelbs. Listen I am so sorry for everything I got totally out of hand... can we meet up Sunday at Starbucks at 2:00? On me?

I sent it then grabbed my board. Need to empty my head. 

Shelby P.O.V

I woke up and read Kian's text.

Sure Ki sounds great . 

I put my phone down and jumped on the shower. When I got out I dried and straightened my hair, put on thin eyeliner, then threw on a t-shirt and skinny jeans. I grabbed my purse, phone, and car keys and ran out the door leaving a note to my dad. 

It was about noon and Maria said I could be there at 1:00. I stopped at Starbucks and got my usual then stopped at the high school to pick up any work I missed when I skipped. I don't know how I am a high honors student I'm barely there.

I got to the hospital exactly at one. When I got there, I saw Maria sitting there. Numb. Her face was pale and looked lifeless as she fiddled her fingers and rocked. I walked over and stood in front of her. She lifted her head and jumped up.

"Shelby." She said in tears. I held her tightly and cried. We stood there and just cried. Suddenly she let go of and turned toward the window.

"What happened?" I asked looking in to see her mangled body. I am surprised she lived. She has a neck brace with casts and there is a lot of blood. 

"She was texting while driving . The doctor said she has a slim chance of....making it!" She said in sobs. I pulled her back into a hug and sobbed. We stood there for what felt like hours just watching the window, Finally the doctor came out.

"Who is the mother?" He asked.

"MI doctor." Maria said shaking, the doctor gave her a sympathetic look and pulled off his gloves.

"She awoke for about 15 minutes and told us what she remember...but." He stopped.

"What ?!" She yelped.

"She asked for a piece of paper. She told me to give this to you." He said pulling out a folded paper wit blood stains. 

"The letter says all." He said walking away scratching his head. Maria opened the letter and we both read.

TO: Mama and Shelby.

To my madre (mother) first. Mom I love you so much. I know I won't make it the doctor said I am losing too much blood. I just wanted to tell you thank you for risking your dreams for mine and working so my life would be better here in America. I love you mom. You were always a best friend to me. I will see you again one day. And take all the money in my bank you need it more than me. Do not feel sorrow mama I will always be looking over you. Take care of Shelby mama. I love you more than anything in the world.

Shelby, you were always my best friend. My sister. I love you so much and I hope you learn from my mistake. Do not cry for me sis I am happy. I am with the lord. I will see you one day again, but for now I will watch over you. I know you and mama are outside and thank you for being here. I love you both with all my heart and Shelby. Do me one favor. Fulfill your dreams, fall in love, and leave a mark because your talent needs to be shared. And stop causing trouble in school.

Mama and Shelby...I love you both .... more than my own life...


I stood there weak in the knees. I couldn't comprehend what had happened . Maria looked at me and fell to the ground. I fell with her. I can not believe this is happening ...

She didn't make it ...

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