Chapter 2: Shark Chase

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Out of the other side of the ocean as Ruby smiled, looking at an old abandoned shipwreck it was all broken and she had to know what she can find. However, she wanted to bring her little brother Sam with her to check out some treasures for her collection.

"Ruby, wait for me!" Sam said as he was trying to catch up with his sister.

"Sam, hurry up!" Ruby said as she looks back at the abandoned shipwreck, it looked creepy.

"You know I can't swim that fast!" Sam said.

"There it is!" Ruby pointed out. "Isn't it fantastic?" She asked.

"Yeah, sure. It's great, Now let's get out of here!" Sam said in a little fear as Ruby rolled her eyes and grabbed him.

"Oh! You're not getting cold tentacles now, are you?" Ruby asked as they swimmed closer to the ship while Sam stuttered.

"Who, me? No way, it's looks damp in there! Yeah! And I think I may be coming down with something! Yeah, I got this cough!" Sam said as he faked cough while Ruby narrowed her eyes at him.

Ruby whispers. "Alright, I'm going inside! You can just stay here and watch for sharks, little bro!"

"Okay! Yeah, you go! I'll stay and...! What? Sharks? Ruby!" Sam eyes widen in fear as he went inside the hole. He'd followed his sister in the ship and started whispering.

"Ruby, do you really think that their are sharks around here?" Sam whispered in fear as Ruby started to giggled.

"Sam, stop being such a guppy!" She said.

"I'm not a guppy!" Sam said as they've swimmed closer and Ruby gasps with excitement.

"Whoa! Oh my gosh! Have you ever seen something so wonderful in your entire life?" Ruby asked as she looked at the shine silver fork in her hand.

"Cool! But what do you think it is?" Sam asked in concerned.

"I don't know, but I bet scuttle will know!" Ruby said as she put it in the bag and started to look for some more treasures down here while Sam started to hear something from outside the ship.

"What was that? Did you hear something?" Sam asked in fear.

"Hmm! I wonder what this one is!" Ruby wondered as Sam got really worried about something.

"Ruby?" He asked as he started to shake in fear.

"Sam, will you relax? Nothing bad is gonna happen!" Ruby said as Sam turned around and through the glass window, seeing a shark growling as he'd opened his mouth wide.

"Shark! Shark! We're gonna die!" Sam shouted out as he'd swim into Ruby's giant arms and she was holding her brother in one arm. They've tried to swim fast around the ship while the shark chased after them as Ruby dropped her bag and quickly got it in time.

The shark got stuck as Sam looked at him and blew a raspberry on his face, making the shark angry.

"You big bully!" Sam said. The shark tried to bite him, but then Sam got away in time.

"Sam, you really are a guppy!" Ruby chuckled as they swimming up to the surface on their own.

"I am not!" Sam said. The two kraken siblings swim up to the surface to see their seagull friend named scuttle.

~ The Little Kraken ~ 💙💙🌹🌹Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt