Chapter 3: Up To The Surface

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In the middle of the ocean, as scuttle was singing to himself while looking through a telescope. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice that called out to him through the ocean as he'd looked through the telescope again and sees Ruby out there.

"Scuttle!" Ruby called out.

"Whoa! Kraken off the port bow!" Scuttle shouted as he'd could see Ruby waving to him with her giant kraken hand. "Ruby, how you doing, kid?" He asked.

Ruby laughed.

"Whoa! For a giant kraken, you swim fast!" Scuttle said as Ruby grabbed the bag and gives it to her seagull friend.

"Scuttle, look what we found!" She said.

"Yeah! We were in this sunken ship and it was really creepy!" Sam said.

"More stuff, huh? Let me see!" Scuttle said, looking inside of the bag and pulled out the fork. "Whoa! Look at this! Wow! This is very special, this is very, very unusual!"

"What? What is it?" Ruby asked excitedly.

"It's a dinglehopper! Everyone use one of these to straighten their hair out! See? Just give it a little twirl here and a yank there and perfect! You got an aesthetically pleasing configuration of hair that everyone goes nuts over!" Scuttle said as he'd gave it to Ruby and she takes a look at it.

"Whoa! A dinglehopper!" Ruby said.

"What about that one?" Sam asked. Scuttle looked at a white pizza box that was empty and became surprised with it.

"Oh this? I haven't seen this in years it's incredible! It's a white drum that has words pizza on it which band musical instrument that everyone plays!" Scuttle said as he tear apart the pizza box and played with it like an instrument, Ruby realized that she had forgotten about something that reminded her about it.

"Music! Oh no, the kraken music concert! My mother is gonna kill me!" Ruby said in panicked as she took the bag and put the stuff inside it.

"The concert was today?" Sam asked.

"I'm sorry! I gotta go!" Ruby said as she waved to her seagull friend. "Thank you scuttle!"

"Anytime sweetie! Anytime!" Scuttle said.

Meanwhile, Nerissa the evil mermaid queen was watching Ruby and Sam through a crystal ball as they were trying to hurry home before Ruby gets into a lot of trouble by her mother.

"Yes, that's right, hurry home princess! You wouldn't want to be late for the kraken concert!" Nerissa said with an evil smirk as she was banished from the kraken kingdom.

"But once I've get my hands on that trident soon, I will be the ruler of the ocean and the kraken kingdom! I will destroy you queen Agatha!" Nerissa said with an evil laugh as her crystal ball started to glow.

Meanwhile, Sam sighed as he listened to his mother yelling at Ruby for being late for the kraken music concert. She'd always gets herself into trouble all the time.

"I just don't know what we're gonna do with you, young lady!" Agatha said in anger as Ruby felt guilty about missing the concert.

"Mom, I'm sorry it's just that I forgot!" Ruby said in guilty about it as the teen kraken shrugged her shoulders up.

"Ruby, the concert was just a complete disaster!" Agatha said.

"And terrible because you weren't even bother to show up!" Brill said as he was more upset about this than his sister was.

"Look, I know messed up! But there's a logical explanation for this, your definitely gonna love it!" Ruby said nervously as her mother sat on the throne while holding the trident in her hand.

"Then explain to us, the real reason why you missed out on the kraken music concert?" Agatha asked as she started to glare at her daughter, waiting for an explanation.

"Uhh, um!" Ruby couldn't think of anything to say as her brother Sam decided to help her out on that one.

"Mom, it's not Ruby's fault!" Sam said as he got nervous too while Agatha started to glare at both Ruby and Sam. "We were chased by shark! Yeah, then we were safe and then this seagull came-"

Agatha raised an eyebrow. "Seagull?"

Sam gasps and covered his mouth as he was hiding in his sister's giant violet purple dreadlocks, she looked at him.

"Sam!" Ruby knew that she was busted this time.

"You went up to the surface again, didn't you? Didn't you?" Agatha asked her daughter in frustration.

"Nothing happened!" Ruby said nervously.

"Ruby, how many times must we go through this? You've could have been seen by one of evil mutants!" Agatha yelled as Ruby started to get mad when she said that mutants are evil.

"Mom, they're not evil!" Ruby yelled.

"They are dangerous!" Agatha said as she lifts her daughter's chin up with her giant finger. "Would you want me to see my youngest daughter getting hurt by them?"

Ruby got frustrated now. "I'm 16 years old, I'm not a little girl anymore!"

"Don't you use that tone of voice with me young lady! As long as you live under my ocean, you will obey my rules!" Agatha said in anger as Ruby tried to explain something but got cut off by her own mother.

"But if you would just listen-"

"Not another word and I don't ever want to hear you going to the surface again! Is that clear Ruby?" Agatha asked as Ruby couldn't take it anymore, swimming off in anger as she tried not to cry and Sam followed her.

Brill scoffed as he spoke. "Teenagers! They think that they know everything and they swim all over you!"

"Do you think I was too hard on her?" Agatha asked as she started to feel bad about yelling at Ruby.

"Definitely not! If Ruby was my daughter then I wouldn't let her go anywhere without supervision!" Brill said as Agatha came up with an idea that would keep Ruby out of trouble.

"You know what, brill? You're right about that, Ruby needs some supervision! Someone to keep her out of trouble all the time! And I think your just the right kraken to do it!" Agatha said gently with a smile on her face and brill got nervous about that.

"Me? Oh come Agatha, I wouldn't be up for that kind of job besides she's your daughter!" Brill said.

"And that would make Ruby your niece anyway! Just keep an eye on her at all times okay? I'm counting on you!" Agatha said gently as he sighed and decided to do it.

"Okay Agatha, I'll do it!" Brill said as he started to swim and went to go look for his niece Ruby, keeping her out of trouble.

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