Chapter 7: He's A Mutant, You're A Kraken

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Ruby followed Sam, Lana and Hailey to their secret hideout as they wanted to surprise her with something that would make her happy. Besides, they didn't want to tell Ruby about it because that would ruin the surprise.

"So, why can't y'all just tell me, what this is all about?" Ruby asked excitedly about it as they went inside of the hideout.

"You'll see, it's a surprise!" Sam said in a happy tone.

Ruby gasps and looked at a statue of Raph holding out his two sais in his hands, with a smile on his face.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe you guys made a statue of Raph, you guys are the best! How did you find his weapons though?" Ruby asked with joy as Lana and Hailey explained to her about it.

"Well, me and Hailey found his weapon at that abandoned shipwreck! Building a statue of him was our idea!" Lana said as Ruby smiled at them, she got a closer look at the statue and she was actually impressed by it.

"Whoa! It looks just like him, it even has his eyes and missing tooth!" Ruby said as she looked at it, laying her head on the statue. She was really happy with it as she started to daydream. "Why Raph? Run away with you? This is all, so sudden!"

Ruby twirling around while she giggled, but then stopped as she noticed that her mother was there with an mad look on her face.

"Mom?" Ruby asked, she figured that her uncle brill accidentally blurted out the secret since he was by her side. Sam, Lana and Hailey started to hide from the treasures and other stuff.

"I consider myself for a reasonable kraken, I've set certain rules and I expect those rules to be obeyed!" Agatha said in anger as she came closer to her daughter who had a frown on her face.

"But mom, I-" Ruby tried to explain but then got cut off by her mother.

"Is it true that you rescued a mutant from drowning?" Agatha asked in anger.

"Mom, I had to! I didn't have no other choice!" Ruby said.

"That world and this kraken world is strictly forbidden! Ruby, we've been over this a thousand times and you know that! Every kraken knows that!" Agatha yelled.

"He'd would have died!" Ruby said.

"One less evil mutant to worry about!" She yelled as Ruby got mad because her mother just called raph evil.

"Raph isn't evil! You don't even know him!" Ruby yelled at her mother as the queen kraken turned around and faced her daughter.

"Know him? I don't have to know him, Ruby because I can tell that all those mutants are evil, trustworthy, manipulative and lying-" Agatha said as Ruby couldn't take it anymore, she got frustrated and angry with her mother.

"MOM, I LOVE HIM!" Ruby gasps and realized what she just said, so did her uncle brill and her kraken friends were shocked.

"No! Have you lost your senses completely Ruby Gillman? He's a mutant, you're a kraken!" Agatha yelled as Ruby got behind the statue of the love of her life.

"I don't care!" Ruby snapped.

"So, help me Ruby! I'm gonna get through to you once in for all and if this is the only way, so be it!" Agatha said in anger as the trident glowing green again, she started to destroy Ruby's precious treasure as the teen kraken girl watched in horror.

"Mom! No, no please!" Ruby pleaded for her mother to stop but she just kept destroying everything that Ruby loved. "mom, stop! Mother stop it!"

Ruby tried to stop her mother, but she narrowed her eyes at her beloved statue of Raph and Agatha knew that she had to destroy it.

"Mom, no don't!" Ruby tried to stop her, but it was too late as bright green light exploded the statue which made Ruby feel sad and devastated as she broke down into tears, she felt heartbroken and sobbing on a huge rock.

"It was for your own good!" Agatha said as she left the hideout, leaving brill feeling guilty about what he did while Sam, Lana and Hailey felt bad about Ruby's treasures gotten destroyed even her statue of Raph. Why couldn't her mother see that Ruby love him? Agatha did it to protect her daughter and her safety.

"Ruby, I didn't mean-" Brill got cut off by his niece as she continued to sob.

"Just go away!" Ruby said as they decided to leave her alone for a while. She begin to feel miserable as her heart shattered into pieces.

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