Chapter 9: She Doesn't Exist

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Few days past by as Raph couldn't stop thinking about that girl who saved his life, he been dreaming about her every night and he can't get her out of his mind since Raph was in love with her. Technically, his brothers tried to convince him that she wasn't real.

"Raph, you've been going on and on about this girl for the past few days now!" Leo said in annoyance as Donnie and Mikey agree with him.

"Yeah, forget about it! She probably doesn't even exist!" Mikey said as Raph got annoyed by them, he slammed his fist on the table causing the other mutants to jump in fear.

"You guys don't know what you're talking! I know she exist because she saved my life a few days ago!" Raph said in anger as he took a deep breath and exhale. He was about to go to his room when he heard Donnie said something that made Raph angry.

"Fine Raph, go ahead and leave! Go back to your imaginations of your perfect dream girl!" Donnie teased him as Leo and Mikey started to laugh at the dinner table, Raph turned around and snapped at his brothers.

"You guys need to shut up! Look, I know what I saw and one of these days I'm gonna find her! So, make fun of me all you want and for the record she is my dream girl!" He said in anger as he went to his room and splinter narrowed his eyes at Leo, Donnie and Mikey.

"Boys, you shouldn't tease him for something like that!" Splinter said in anger.

"Come on dad, Raph's dream girl doesn't even exist! It's like we said before he's just imagining things!" Leo said as Donnie and Mikey nodded in agreement. Splinter got up and went to go check up on Raph who was in bed with his phone in his hands.

"Raphael?" Splinter asked as the red mask turtle looked up at his rat father walking towards him. "I'm sorry that your brothers teased you about this girl!"

"I've just wanted to prove my brothers wrong about her! It's not in my imagination dad, believe me! When I'd felt her hand stroking my cheek, and I've heard her beautiful voice singing out to me!" Raph said gently as he continued the conversation with his father. "I've realized that she's my dream girl, I love her!"

"Oh my son! I'm so proud of you that you're falling in love with this girl and I know that you'll find her!" Splinter said gently as he hugged him tightly and Raph hugging him back.

"Thanks for believing in me dad!" Raph said gently.

"You're welcome Raphael!" Splinter said gently as he'd left the room, leaving raph to drifted asleep as he gripped on his pillow and started to dream about this girl.

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