Chapter 8: The Proposition

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Nerissa's two electric eels watching the teen kraken girl as they slithered close to her and they've know how she's feeling right now.

"Poor child, poor sweet child! She has a very serious problem!" Jetsam said as Ruby looks up at the two electric eels coming towards her.

"If only there was something we can do! But there is something!" Flotsam said. Ruby stopped crying and sniffled a little bit as she looked at the two eels. She didn't know what they want.

"What do you want?" Ruby asked with a sniffle, looking scared and afraid for a bit.

"Don't be afraid! We know someone who can make all your dreams come true!" Flotsam said as the two eels started to talk at the same time.

"Just imagine: you and your turtle together forever!"

"I don't understand!" Ruby said.

"Nerissa has great powers!" They've said as Ruby gasps, realizing that the evil mermaid queen aka Nerissa who was banished from the kraken kingdom.

"The evil mermaid queen? What-- I couldn't possibly-- No! Get out of here, leave me alone!" Ruby yelled as she puts her head down on the huge rock.

"Suit yourself! It was only a suggestion!" Flotsam said, he swished the sais with his tail as Ruby looked at them, picking the sais up with her giant hands. She wants to be with Raph, even though her mother won't allow it she decides to go anyway.

"Wait!" Ruby cried out as flotsam and jetsam turned around and looked at her.

"Yes!" They've both said.

~ The Little Kraken ~ 💙💙🌹🌹Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ