Chapter 14: Chelsea's Trick

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It was getting late as Raph and Ruby came back to the sewer all soaked and wet, smiling and laughing. They've stopped noticing that Raph's brothers giving him, curious looks and splinter did the same thing.

"Raphael, may we speak to you alone!" The rat said gently as he was confused and turned to Ruby.

"Goodnight Ruby!" Raph said gently as she smiled and waved at him, he'd watch her going to her room and sighed. The other mutants started to frown and they had to break the news to Raph gently.

"Dad, what's going on?" He asked as splinter took a deep breath and exhale, looking at his son.

"Raphael, I know that you wanted to find that girl who saved your life but the truth is we weren't able to find her and we looked everywhere!" Splinter said gently.

"What do you mean?" Raph asked. Splinter was about to say something but Leo cut him off.

"He means that she doesn't exist Raph! Stop chasing after fantasy girls who aren't real!" Leo said as he crossed his arms and splinter narrowed his eyes at him.

"Leonardo! That's enough!" The rat shouted out.

"You're wrong about her Leo! I'm gonna prove you all wrong on that, and I'm not gonna rest until I find her!" Raph said in anger as he left the sewers and ignored his father calling out his name, he couldn't believe that his family thinks that he was in love with some fantasy girl. Raph didn't want to give up that easily as he went to the shore to calm down a bit.

It was dark as fog came in closer all out in the sky and Raph started to hear that song again while he ran up to the shore even closer as the red mask turtle squinted his eyes he'd sees a human teenage girl out in the shore with beautiful red hair and a necklace that was glowing as she started to hypnotized Raph with her singing. This girl was perfect for him, and her name is Chelsea.

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