Chapter 10: The Deal With Nerissa

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Back in the ocean as Sam and brill were out of the hideout while they couldn't stand to see Ruby so upset because of what her mother did.

"Poor Ruby!" Sam said in sadness.

"I didn't mean to tell, it was an accident!" Brill said as they've noticed Ruby going somewhere with flotsam and jetsam as she followed the two eels behind. "Ruby? Ruby, where are you going? Ruby, what are you doing with these slithered creatures?"

"I'm going to see Nerissa!" She said as brill gasps in fear and grabbed a hold of Ruby's tentacles, thinking that it wasn't such a good idea for her.

"No Ruby! She's evil, she's monster!" Brill said as the teen kraken got mad at her uncle about everything.

"Why don't you go tell my mom? You're at good that!" Ruby snapped, she shoved him off her tentacles and left. Brill could tell that his niece was angry with him.

Brill sighed and decided to follow her. "Sam come on, let's follow her!"

They started to follow Ruby on their own, flotsam and jetsam lead her to a creepy home of Nerissa, it had all of these weird looking creatures that looked brown and skinny as one of them grabbed Ruby's dreadlocks she pulled it off as the teen kraken girl heard a voice coming from the entrance.

"Come in, my darling! You can't lurk in doorways! That's rude, one might question your upbringing!" Nerissa said as her glowing water hair shining through while she sat down. "Now, you're here because you have this thing for this mutant turtle, right?"

"Yeah!" Ruby answered as Nerissa took a nail file to sharpen her nails while looking in the mirror. The evil mermaid chuckled and faced the giant kraken teen.

"Well, I don't blame you dearie, he is quite a catch isn't he?" Nerissa asked with a slight chuckle as she sighed. "Listen Rubykins, the solution to your problem is very simple! To get what you want is to become a medium size kraken!"

Ruby gasps then asked. "Can you do that?"

Nerissa smirk and looked at her with those red eyes of hers, decided to help her out with that. "My dearie, it's what I do and live for besides I wouldn't want you to be miserable for the rest of your life!"

Then Nerissa started singing as she was swimming around the giant kraken girl who looked a little nervous while Sam and brill came into the home of the evil mermaid and they see Ruby as Nerissa put on a necklace that shapes like a seashell.

"Now, here's the deal, I will make you a portion that will turn you into a medium size kraken girl for three days! Got that three days!" Nerissa said gently as she lead them to mini volcano while she gives Ruby some important information. "And the potion will make a few changes to your look!"

Ruby raised an eyebrow. "Changes?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Yeah, it's gonna change your eye color, skin color, hairstyle and you'll end up having two feet and other stuff like that!" Nerissa said as she started to continue to give Ruby some more information about something very important. "Now listen closely, this is very important before the sun sets on the third day you've got to get Raphie to fall in love with you and that is he's got to kiss you, but not just any kiss, the kiss of true love! If he does kiss you then you'll remain a medium size kraken permanently!" She explained.

"What happens if he doesn't kiss me at sunset?" Ruby asked while Nerissa given her a evil smirk.

"If he doesn't then you'll turn back into purple violet kraken but you become giant once your in the water! But like I said if he doesn't kiss you then you feel a sharp pain when you start to glow, your dreadlocks will grow a little bit, your hands will turn back into Violet purple color and also your tentacles will grow too!" Nerissa explained as Ruby got nervous about the deal for a few minutes.

"No, Ruby!" Brill shouted as the two eels got him to be quiet, wrapping their tails around Sam and brill.

"Do we have a deal?" Nerissa asked as she held up Ruby's chin.

"If I become a medium size kraken, I'll never be with my parents, siblings or friends again!" Ruby said gently.

"That's right! But you'll have your Raphie, life's filled with tough choices isn't it?" She asked chuckling at Ruby and she continued with the offer. "Oh, we haven't discussed with the proper payment yet, you can't get what you want without giving me something!"

"But I don't have anythi-" Ruby got cut off with Nerissa kept talking and thought of the perfect exchange.

"Shh! I'm not asking much but it's only a little something, what I want from you is... your voice!" She said as Ruby touched her throat with her giant kraken hand.

"My voice?" Ruby asked.

"You got it sweet cakes! No more talking, singing! Zip!" Nerissa said as Ruby didn't know how she was gonna talk without her voice.

"But without my voice, how can i-"

"You'll have your looks and pretty face that's all you need dearie!" Nerissa said as she started throwing stuff into the mini volcano, making the potion as it changes different colors while Nerissa stopped singing and pulled out a yellow bright scroll for Ruby to sign.

"Flotsam, jetsam now I've got her boys! She won't stand a chance!" Nerissa whispers to the electric eels as Ruby got nervous, twiddling her fingers.

"Do you want to be with Raph or not?" Nerissa asked as Ruby started to have flashbacks about the fight with her mom, she couldn't take it anymore as Ruby took the feather pen and signed her name in cursive. "Good choice Ruby!"

Everything turn green as giant ghostly green hands appearing, ready to take out Ruby's voice vocals.

"Now, sing!" Nerissa demanded as Ruby started singing, her vocals started to glow bright yellow. "Keep singing!"

The ghostly green giant hands took out Ruby's voice vocals as the teen kraken helded her throat nervously with a frown on her face. Nerissa put Ruby's voice inside the seashell necklace as the mermaid let out an evil laugh while a blue bubble started to transform Ruby into a medium size kraken. Her eyes turned aqua green color, her hair was dark blue and she had two feet.

Sam and brill helped Ruby go up the surface as she rises out of the water, gasping for air while the sun was shining.

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