Chapter 4: Part Of Your World

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Brill followed Ruby to her secret hideout as he gasps and sees so much stuff that she has and if her mother knew about any of this stuff, Ruby wouldn't be trusted to go up to the surface again.

"Ruby, are you okay?" Sam asked in concerned about his big sister as Ruby looked at the fork, she couldn't get her mind off the argument with her mother.

"She just doesn't understand! I just don't see things the way she does, you know? I just don't see how a world could make such wonderful and beautiful things, could be bad?" Ruby asked as she looks at her brother while brill was watching her.

Ruby singing:

Look at this stuff, isn't it neat? Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm the girl? The girl who has everything

Look at this trove, treasures untold, how many wonders can one cavern hold? Looking around here, you'd think "sure, she's got everything

I've got gadgets and gizmos aplenty, I've got whozits and whatzits galore, you want thingamabobs? I've got twenty

But who cares? No big deal, I want more, I wanna be where the people are, I wanna see, wanna see em dancing, walkin around on those, what do you call 'em? Oh, feet

Flipping your fins, you don't get too far, legs are required for jumping and dancing, strolling along down a what's that word again? Street

Up where they walk, up where they run, up where they stay all day in the sun, wondering free, wish I could be part of that world

What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand? Betcha on land they understand, bet they don't reprimand their daughters

Bright young women sick of swimmin, ready to stand, I'm ready to know what the people know, ask them my questions and get some answers, what's a fire and why does it, what's the word? Burn?

When's it my turn? Wouldn't I love, love to explore that shore up above

Out of the sea, wish I could be part of that world.

Ruby sighed sadly and stopped glowing, as she heard a noise coming from behind treasures which caused Sam to hide and she sees her uncle brill with a mad look on his face.

"Uncle Brill!" Ruby cried out as she sees her uncle and she didn't want to get into more trouble.

"Ruby, what are- what is all this?" He asked his teen kraken niece.

"It's just my collection!" Ruby said nervously as she put on a fake smile.

"Oh really? Your collection!" Brill said calmly as he started to get angry and yell. "IF YOUR MOTHER KNEW ABOUT THIS PLACE-"

"You're not gonna tell her, are you?" Sam asked in panicked.

"Please uncle Brill, she'll never understand! Besides I'd love all this stuff!" Ruby said gently as her uncle brill sighed and tried to stay calm.

"Ruby, this isn't the place for your mind to think straight, okay? Come on, I'll take you home and we can focus on some other things!" Brill said calmly as Ruby looked up at the surface and hearing something that gives her attention.

"Whoa! Something up there is totally getting my attention!" Ruby said curious as she swims up and ignored her uncle calling out to her name.

"Ruby! Ruby, come back here!" Brill called out to his niece as she continued to swim all the way up to the surface.

Fireworks from the night sky as Ruby giggled and sees something amazing and uncle brill caught up to her.

"Ruby, what are you doing?" Brill asked as he gasps in fear. "jumping jellyfish!" He cried out.

Ruby swims a little bit more to get a better and closer look, she still ignores her uncle brill as he was still calling out to her, but she wasn't listening.

"Ruby, please come back!" Brill cried out.

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