Chapter 17: The Final Battle

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In the ocean as Ruby tried to get out of the evil mermaid's grip, but it was no use because Nerissa was too strong.

"Let go of me!" Ruby cried out as Nerissa wasn't gonna let that happen any time soon.

"Not gonna happen! Poor little princess, it's not you that I'm after and even much big fish to fry-"

"Nerissa stop!" Agatha said in anger as she pointed the trident at her while brill was beside.

"Hmph!" Brill scoffed.

"Queen Agatha, long time no see! I've haven't seen you since you banished me from the kraken kingdom!" Nerissa said as she touches the end of the trident with her finger nails.

"Let Ruby go!" Agatha demanded.

"Not a chance Agatha, she's mine now! As you can see that we've made a deal!" She said as she showed her the contract while flotsam and jetsam helded Ruby back with their tails.

"Mom, I'm sorry for everything!" Ruby apologized as Agatha tried to destroy the contract with blasting a green light on it, but it was unbreakable.

"No use Agatha, the contract is unbreakable! But I'll make you an offer for an exchange for your daughter!" Nerissa said as she narrowed her eyes at her in a evil way.

Raph changed out of his suit as he was wearing a black t shirt with jeans on as he was paddling out to the ocean while his brothers called out his name.

"Raph, what are you doing?" Leo asked.

"I'm gonna go save Ruby! I can't lose her again!" Raph said as Donnie and Mikey thinking that he lost his mind.

"Bro, are you insane? She's just transformed into a violet color sea creature! Plus, you'll drown again if you go down there!" Mikey shouted out.

"She's a kraken!" Donnie shouted out. Raph didn't even care about that, he loves Ruby with his heart and that's all that matters to him the most.

"I don't care! Ruby's the only girl for me, I love her!" Raph admitted to his feelings for Ruby as he continued to paddling out to the water while splinter smiled.

Back in the ocean, as Ruby getting grunting in pain as the two eels started to electrocuted her which caused her to be a medium size kraken she'd still have a dreadlocks and her skin color was still purple violet color, Agatha couldn't bear to watch her daughter getting electrocuted like that.

"Okay Agatha, I'll make you a deal if you give me that trident! Does your precious little daughter Ruby mean anything to you?" She asked as Agatha looked at Ruby who looked like that she was gonna pass out, she threw the trident to Nerissa and gave it to her.

Nerissa gripped the trident with her fingers, held up close to her cheek as she snapped her fingers, letting flotsam and jetsam release Ruby

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Nerissa gripped the trident with her fingers, held up close to her cheek as she snapped her fingers, letting flotsam and jetsam release Ruby.

"Now that I finally have the trident in my own hands! It's time to get revenge on you Agatha since you banished me from the kraken kingdom, I had nothing to live for!" She said as she snapped her fingers again as the two eels started to electrocute Agatha with lights indulge around her while Nerissa laughed hysterical.

"No! Mom!" Ruby cried out as she watches her mother get turned into dust, it was all that was left of her. "No!"

Nerissa was still laughing with the trident glowing green in her hands as Ruby got angry because of what she did to her mother.

" monster!" Ruby said in anger as Nerissa shoved her to the other side with her tail, pointing the trident at her.

"Don't start with me, you little brat! You're powerless against-" Nerissa gotten cut with something on her arm as she looks up to see Raph holding his breath. "You're gonna pay for that!"

"Raph! Raph look out!" Ruby cried out in fear while Nerissa helded her back, so that she couldn't get to him.

"After him!" Nerissa ordered as flotsam and jetsam managed to grabbed Raph, dragging him back in the ocean as he'd struggled to get out of there on his own. "Say goodbye to your Raphie!"

Nerissa aim the trident at Raph as Ruby pulled her hair which caused her to miss and hitting the electric eels, poofed away into yellow dust in Nerissa's hands.

"No! My babies, my poor little friends!" She said as she looked up and sees Raph and Ruby getting away while the trident gives her even more power to let Nerissa grow bigger as Sam and brill were shocked to see this.

"Raph, you gotta get away from here!" Ruby said as they started swimming towards each other.

"No! I won't leave you!" Raph refused.

Raph and Ruby started to feel something glowing as bubbles surrounded them, as Nerissa rises up from the ocean, laughing hysterically while Raph was holding Ruby in his arms tightly, not planning on letting go as Ruby buried her face into Raph's shoulder.

"You pitiful, insignificant fools!" Nerissa said as she almost blasted them with the trident.

"Look out!" Raph shouted as they dived back into the water, the waves begin to get bigger and bigger and that Nerissa was taking control of everything.

"Now, I am the ruler of the ocean with the waves obey my every whim!" She said as the strongest waves have pushed Raph away from Ruby.

"Raph!" She cried out as he screamed while he got to the other side of the ocean and Ruby looked up at Nerissa.

"The sea and all the krakens bow to my power!" She said as she used the trident to make a green glow in the water, the krakens were forced to bow down to Nerissa and it started raining so hard. However, Ruby knew that she had to go big again as she dived into the water while the teen kraken started to close her eyes and ready to glow bright lights.

"It's time to go big!" Ruby said to herself as she rises up to the surface while she was glowing and her purple dreadlocks gotten big as well

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"It's time to go big!" Ruby said to herself as she rises up to the surface while she was glowing and her purple dreadlocks gotten big as well. However, Ruby gasps and heard Raph screaming under water as she sees Nerissa stabbed him in the shell with the trident.

Raph can't handle the pain as he'd felt his shell to break, bubbles coming out of his mouth while he screamed in pain, Nerissa started to laugh.

Ruby ran straight towards her as she used her laser eyes with everything she got to destroy the trident, Nerissa fell into the water and the trident exploded. Raph collapsed on the shore as he hissed in pain because of his shell.

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