Chapter 5: The New God is a Sugar Baby

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"The best way to remove your lies is to make them come true."

- SUZAKU KURURUGI, (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Are you seriously considering not going back to making weapons Tony? Stane looked quite disturbed at your decision. The press is having a field day with the news and even the shares of the company are at an all-time low. Obadiah even said that somebody recently has been buying your shares en masse and might try to take over the company." Pepper Potts asked Tony Stark with a concern visible on her face.

"Yep, it's final Pepper. And I won't change my decision for Stane or anybody else. As for share prices falling, that's what they do. They rise, fall, and rise again. And whoever has been buying the company's shares understands this. They know that I am worth more than the company's weapons business and so they have put their trust in ME, not the company. They won't take over the company and risk losing its biggest asset, me." Tony ended with a confident smile on his face.

"I hope you are right Tony, I really do. *Sigh* Anyway, I am going out now. So..."

"Wait, you are going out? Where are you going may I ask?"

"... To your welcome back party. But you can't attend it, Tony. You are in too much limelight now. You will have to lay down a bit for the next couple of days." Pepper said with worry in her voice.

"You know what. You are right. Besides, I have too much work to do. I can't go anywhere from my lab until I perfect my flight stabilizers." He said with a serious nod.

"Oh... okay. Best of luck with your experiments Tony, I'll be going then." Pepper bade him goodbye, wondering in her mind if it was really that easy to convince Tony, one of the most notorious playboys alive to not go to a party.

"Now let's focus on completing the repulsors Jarvis. We need to complete it within an hour. After all, I have a party to go to." Tony said with a small smirk on his lips.


<(Atem POV)>

"You know I normally enjoy parties quite a lot but what I don't enjoy are people keeping their noses high up in the air and behaving like absolute jackasses showing how much money they have at every turn. The last man I talked with mentioned his ten million dollar Rolex at least fifteen times in our five-minute conversation." I couldn't help but snort as I stood behind Selene, my trusted subordinate who was more or less my right hand.

She was wearing a black expensive-looking dress with a slit running across one of her legs displaying it partially. Her dress made her seem like a dark evil queen who was a filthy rich professional model showing enough skin to be considered hot but not enough to be a slut.

"Hahaha funny, especially if one considers that your net worth through all the investments of your Meta Enterprises over the years is more than all of them combined. How would you think they would react if they knew that you could probably ruin their companies with a single phone call?" Selene giggled as she leaned into me affectionately.

"Oh come on. You make me sound like some hidden Xinxia protagonist. I just keep my involvement with Meta Enterprises a secret because I don't like people pestering me with interviews and photos wherever I go. Even gods are afraid of the paparazzi you know." I joked with a laugh.

"Then you can't blame them for not knowing you. However, you can always take some petty revenge by taking over their companies and ruining their lives." Selene went into her sadistic villain mode as she tried to lure me back to the dark side.

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