Chapter 38: Quest for Survival

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"If you only face forward, there is something you will miss seeing."



<(Omniscient POV)>

"At last it is happening. My years of research and hard work are taking shape right in front of us. Isn't this amazing guys? At this rate, I'll be able to conduct all my experiments successfully and be the first one to prove physicist Miguel Alcubierre's theory of faster-than-light speed travel through warps and warp drives. I told you guys that everything will be alright, didn't I? You were worrying for absolutely no reason." Reed celebrated as their space shuttle left the Earth's atmosphere.

"Yeah, thanks to Atem," Johnny added from his seat in a low voice which his sister Susan was able to hear, and nodded her head in agreement.

The young stuntman was initially neutral to the New God and didn't know what to feel when he found out that his sister might be having an affair with him behind Reed's back. The friendship between Johnny and Reed existed only because of Susan's crush on Reed. If his sister was no longer interested in Reed, John wouldn't try to go against his sister and warn Reed of her affair, he had no right to interfere in his sister's dating life and if he tried, he was sure that his sister would make sure that he could never try it again. So, he pretended he didn't know anything and focused on his own life instead of keeping an eye on his sister's relationships.

But that changed when his career as a stuntman and celebrity suddenly skyrocketed out of nowhere. He was not only offered multiple deals and brand endorsements with huge advantages but he was even offered some mild roles in some action movies. That was something he couldn't even dream of a few months ago but now it had become reality. But even all that couldn't compare to when Atem officially selected him as the one to cover their entire space mission in the form of a documentary.

So, saying that he owed Atem was an understatement. At this stage, he was more than happy that his sister was dating someone like Atem and thus even naturally held a high opinion of him as well.

"We have stabilized in our predetermined orbit. I think we can begin the second phase." Ben Grimm declared as the sound of the thrusters in the shuttle became silent and the artificial gravity of the shuttle kicked in.

"I just hope that we don't get attacked by aliens or something. I have seen way too many of those horror alien movies to relax on this journey. Believe me, you do not want to see movies of the xenomorph and species franchisees just before your space shuttle launch." Johnny Storm commented as he began setting up his camera equipment to record their entire stay.

Of course, not everything was going to be included in the documentary. The documentary was only going to be about 2 to 3 hours of footage maximum but he had to shoot for the entirety of their stay here to cover every important thing that was going to happen.

The cameras on the ship were already going to record almost everything happening on the shuttle and could be reviewed later for more studies but they were not the best camera angles for a documentary aimed at the general public.

No, the footage needed for the documentary was going to be shot by Johnny Storm with a specialized portable hand-held camera and he was even allowed to comment on stuff in his own words much like a YouTuber or a vlogger.

"Don't worry Johnny, cameramen always die at the end that is if they even die at all. That's the universal law." A charming voice suddenly surprised all four people sitting at the control station at which they quickly turned back in surprise to see where the voice had come from.

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