Chapter 81: Always Trust in the New God

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"Funny. I guess destiny isn't the path chosen for us, but the path we chose for ourselves."

- Megamind, (Megamind)


<Atem POV>

"Magic? You can't be serious," Reed finally said, his voice heavy with skepticism.

"I am dead serious, Reed. Magic is just another form of energy, another set of rules and laws. It's not as chaotic as you might think. It is similar to science in some ways. In fact, it can be incredibly precise and reliable when wielded correctly. It's actually very useful when it comes to healing and illusions." I responded with a confident smile.

Hearing my words, Ben finally stepped forward with a determined expression, his bald rocky face etched with a tinge of hope. "If there's a chance—any chance—this can work, I want to try it. I've had enough of looking like a monster. Even if your magic would kill me, it would be better than living like a piece of rock for the rest of my life... Just tell me, what do I have to do?"

"Nothing much, all you have to do is just stand still. I've studied and practiced magic for..., months. But I wouldn't have suggested this if I didn't have absolute confidence in its safety. Plus, I am not exactly going to do anything to your body directly, I am simply going to cast an illusion spell on you that will make your body seem and feel like a normal human body made of flesh and skin. It should be a good temporary solution while Reed here can tweak the MX-1 serum to suit your unique condition.

I am sure with the help of the formula and some of the experts I know in the field of mutation, he can easily come up with something that will not just enable you to go back to your past looks but also let you keep your powers as well. After all, if the serum works perfectly on metahumans, there is no reason, it won't work on mutates or parahumans." I suggested while mentally casting the Lumos spell to materialize a small ball of light inside my palms to give him some confidence about my magic.

"Do it. I trust you." Ben agreed with a determined nod after thoughtfully staring at the blue light in my hands for a few seconds.

"As you wish. By the way, this might tickle a little." I said before pointing my right hand's index finger at Ben. "Humano Transfiguratus!" I cast with a smooth, circular motion of my finger followed by a sharp flick downwards.

Immediately, some of the magic stored inside me was consumed and a blue light left through my finger, entering Ben's body. As soon as the light came in contact with his body, a golden glow began to cover every inch of his rocky physique without delay, enveloping him in the spell's magic. A few seconds was all it took for the glow to reach its peak, glowing brighter than even the brightest lamps, before gradually dimming again. Once the light faded, the figure of the Thing was no longer visible. Instead, it was Benjamin Grimm who stood in its place, no longer looking like a monster but a man—a normal human man... albeit with a chin that was slightly more square and solid than it originally was before his mutation.

Seeing Ben recover from the magical light, Susan was the first one to rush forward, pulling him into a tight embrace. "It worked! You look... exactly the same, Ben, just as you looked before the incident, a normal human. I am so happy for you. Welcome back!" she exclaimed in joy, feeling happy for the guy whom she considered her elder brother.

"I... I can't believe it," Ben whispered while still being hugged by Susan, his voice choking with various emotions. He quickly started running his hands all over his body, happily feeling his smooth skin and the absence of the rocky exterior that had plagued him for the last few days. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes as he slowly looked up at me after he was done checking himself. "Thank you. I don't know how to ever repay you." He acknowledged with a small bow of his head.

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