Chapter 52: Start of A Fledging Galactic Empire

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"In order to be able to lead, you need to be able to think a few steps ahead of everyone else."

- Levi Ackerman, (Attack on Titan)


<(Atem POV)>

"And the new owner and King of Sakaar IS... ATEM." The announcer announced after a few moments of silence, quickly getting over the fact that their last 'owner' was dead without even being able to defend himself.

Soon, the entire arena was covered with sounds of cheers and whistles as every citizen of the Sakaar who had come to watch the game cheered with fervor.

"ATEM ATEM" "ATEM ATEM" "ATEM ATEM" The shouts echoed in the entire city as people yelled with all their strength. It sounded like they were either really pleased with the entire Grand Race, or they were very much delighted about the new change in the monarchy.

Me being me, of course, didn't appear humble at all and instead, I raised my hands in triumph at the cheering crowd with a big grin on my face. I wasn't a narcissist but sometimes it felt good to be celebrated... Not that I wasn't celebrated in Neo Genosha too since they held a goddamn national holiday on my birthday every year. But still being cheered for in gladiator style after you have just won a battle was something no man or god wouldn't be happy with.

"What did you do? Why did you kill him? Didn't you hear him, the planet is being sustained only because of his ship which was linked to his life. Now that he is dead, the ship would stop functioning and this entire planet is going to die with him too. By the time we try to reprogram the ship, it would be too late. It's all finished. We are done for, every one of us is dead." Suddenly the Red King who seemed to have survived one of the Grandmaster's champion babies crashing into him during the race ran to us while screaming like a madman.

Apart from his completely thrashed golden armor, a nasty cut on his chest and shoulder as well as a missing left hand, he seemed pretty okay to me.

"Wow, you are still alive man? You are pretty unlucky, aren't you?" I asked, quite amused.

"Unlucky?" He looked confused.

"Yeah, if you had died in the race, it would have been a good and respectable death but now, you are going to die at the hands of a woman who doesn't want your death to be merciful at all." I honestly answered as I gestured to the grey-skinned female warrior who was currently standing behind him with a huge silver spear gun in her hands.

"CAIERA? You, what are you doing here? How dare you rebel against your own king?" The Red King threatened while trying to activate the blasters in his armor's gloves as he aimed at his former slave. Unfortunately for him, however, his armor was way too damaged to even try to initiate activating any defense system.

Caiera didn't even twitch at the danger as she just stared at the crippled Sakaaran with cold eyes.

"King? It seems that this act of yours has truly gone to your head now Angmo Asan. You have forgotten that you are nothing but a false king who submitted to the Grandmaster the very moment your life was threatened. You were only a king in name before, a puppet with your strings in the hands of the Grandmaster. But now, you are not even that. Right now, you are just a nobody who is fated to be killed by my hands as vengeance for what you have done to my people." Caiera made her intentions known as she walked up to him while giving me a look that seemed to seek permission from me, to which I just gave a small nod.

As soon as I nodded, she swung her spear at the Red King, instantly separating his other good arm from his body. Then with another swing, one of his legs was gone too. A third one took out his remaining limb. Being completely amputated, the red-skinned Imperial Sakaaran's body began to rapidly lose blood as a small red pool formed around his figure, killing him slowly, yet painfully.

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