Chapter 21: The Burden of Justice

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"Just keep moving forward and don't give a shit about what anybody thinks. Do what you have to do, for you."

~ Johnny Depp


<(Omniscient POV)>

"That was some mission, huh? *Sigh* I swear I never thought I would ever see a man forcing himself on a monkey. I thought we were on this mission to save metahumans from the trafficking ring but seeing those animals getting abused at the hands of those bastards changed my entire viewpoint on humanity. That was the first time I felt ashamed of being a part of humanity. Meta or not, human beings truly were the biggest of jerks." Anna Marie, aka, Rogue ranted angrily to her teammates.

"I know right? That memory really left a scar in my mind. I still can't believe such disgusting stuff can happen. Rape itself is disgusting but raping animals is another level of absolutely vile cruelty. I am glad that I had permission to kill them. Driving their own dirty gold through their skulls and squashing their dirty brainmatter gave me another level of pleasure " Lorna Dane, aka, Polaris said with a disgusted expression on her face as she remembered what she had seen in those mafia camps.

"Yeah, but still I feel that maybe killing is not always the answer. We could have just handed them over to the local authorities instead of killing every single one of them. They would have been punished according to the law then. What we did there was neither nice nor right." Piotr, aka, Colossus mumbled with a slightly sad face as he looked out through Blackbird's window, their own personal crime-fighting private jet.

"You are too kind Piotr. I don't agree with mindlessly killing everyone as well but I do think everyone should pay their dues. And being a brother to two sisters, I can say that rapists are the people who deserve to die the most, even more so for people who use innocent animals to commit their vile debauchery." Pietro, aka, Quicksilver said while clenching his stomach making it apparent that he was suffering from a stomach ache after remembering all the disgusting things he had seen at the base of the criminal gang that they had infiltrated.

"They were bad people no doubt but still killing them all was a little bit too..." Piotr muttered while twiddling his fingers in deep thought. He wasn't sure that what Lorna did was right or not. In fact, none of them were.

They were the newly formed X-Force, the pilot group formed to battle modern metahuman threats as well as rescue and help metahumans all over the world. Even though their real identities remained secret from normal civilians, they were still quite famous as a secret crime-fighting supergroup who dealt justice whenever it was required. But none of them had ever faced a dilemma like this before.

They had eliminated threats before but those were all done by their previous generation, their teachers who were the original X-men and even then they were all threats that needed to be eliminated to save humanity or some other grand purpose. But this was the first time that they eliminated human beings not to serve some great purpose but simply to punish them, to make them pay for what they had done to their innocent victims.

They did not know if they were right in doing what they had done. They all wished that they could have asked their mentors what would have been the right choice. Unfortunately, they did not have enough time to ask for their teachers' advice during their mission, so they did what they felt was right.

What they were worried about the most in this case however was not the fact that what they did was good or bad. What they were truly worried about was that some of them had felt good after killing those criminals while delivering justice and it was possible that they might want to do it again... and again... and again until it became a regular habit, to kill everyone who stood against them not caring if they truly deserved it or not.

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