Chapter 17: A Ruthless Bargain

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"They say that fools learn from their experiences, while the wise learn from history. I hope you're not a fool."

– Nobuchika Ginoza, (Psycho-Pass)


<(Atem POV)>

"What? Why are you all staring at me?" Reed asked looking like he had no idea know how massively he screwed up.

"*Sigh* Reed, every time I think that you are going to change, every time I think you will begin to give importance to things besides just your inventions and research, you disappoint me. I told you this is important for me because I want my father's foundation from shutting down but it's like you don't even care about anyone other than yourself." Susan said in a disappointed voice.

Reed looked like he still didn't have a clue about what was going on as he tried to remember what he had forgotten.

"Susan, I..."

"Goddamn it Johnny, I am going to kill you if I get my hands on you." An angry voice interrupted Reed as a good-looking young man wearing a biker's jacket and jeans ran into the room followed by a muscular jock storming into the room after him.

The most funny thing however was that the jock-looking muscular man had a face full of marker paint with a dildo drawn on his forehead using the shape of his eyes as balls.

"Sis, save me. the mad bull Ben wants to kill me." Johnny exaggeratedly yelled as he hid behind Susan in a bid to hide.

"This might be the worst and most unprofessional meeting I have ever had but it's no doubt also the most entertaining," Emma muttered to me in a low voice.

"I fully agree. This is nepotism at its absolute peak." I whispered back wishing I had a bucket of popcorn with me.

"Susan, your brother is a total asshole. He painted my face while I was sleeping and that too with a permanent marker. And he knew that I had a date today. Now, how am I supposed to go like this?" Ben Grimm asked fuming as he clenched his teeth in anger.

"Well, at least today can't get any worse than this," Susan murmured to herself in a voice that sounded like she had lost all hope.

"Huh? Who are you guys?" Johnny asked as he peeked at me and Emma from behind his sister's back.

"We are your new owners," Emma said with an annoyed expression on her face.

She looked like she was done with all the drama and just wanted to go into the official part of this meeting like any decent professional investor would.

"Excuse me, I might have misheard what you just said. Could you repeat it again Miss...?"

"She is Emma Frost, the current CEO of Meta Enterprises and what she meant was that we are the new owners of the Baxter Foundation. We were supposed to have a meeting today to discuss the direction the company would be moving in but it seems like none of you were ready for it." I said with a somber voice, making sure that they knew exactly the reality of this situation without me having to resort to threatening them.

"So you were the ones who bought Dad's company and saved us from imminent bankruptcy. I am extremely thankful for that. Also, please excuse my earlier... conduct. I forgot about the meeting and was just messing around." Johnny quickly replied trying to de-escalate the situation. "Shit, I should have worn a suit" He muttered.

"It's fine. *Sigh* You know what? Let's start from the very beginning again now that all of you have an idea about who we are and why we are here. I am Adam Giotem, the chairman of Meta Enterprises and this is Emma Frost, its CEO. We are here today to basically judge if the Baxter Foundation has any importance at all and if it's worth it to continue funding it."

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