Chapter 30: The Feral Family

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"Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate."

- Sun Tzu, (The Art of War)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Wait, so you just let him go? You had Doom at your mercy after you defeated him in a fight that HE started and you just let him go after he 'promised' to never again involve himself with us or in our business? WHY?" Johnny's eyes widened as he stared at me through the PC monitor, his brows furrowed in confusion and disbelief which seemed to want to ask me if I had suddenly gone crazy or something.

"You can't just attack an international delegate, Johnny. And killing or illegally detaining one is completely out of the question. So, letting Victor go was the wisest choice. I mean, this is a dictator of a country for god's sake, a country even the US government doesn't like to mess around with too much. Having a personal intellectual rivalry is one thing but straight-up antagonizing him is something completely different." Reeds expressed his own opinion with a nervous visage from behind the screen.

It was truly a wonder how a genius like Reed who was destined to become a superhero saving the world could be such a low-key coward. Was it the powers that he would be receiving in the future that would change him and make him more... courageous and heroic or was there some sort of hidden bravery in him that was just waiting for the right time to come out?

Whatever it was, I just hoped he could change himself for the better in the future because the type of person he was now was a disappointment to the term, 'man'. Hell, even Ben who normally remained calm and silent looked like he was annoyed at the stunt Victor had pulled by attempting to sabotage them earlier by trying to take away government support for the project and attacking me on the streets.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we just have to lie down and take it right. He may be a dictator in his country but this is not his playground. We have rights here too and enough power to defend ourselves..." Susan surprisingly had the most anger hidden in her voice as she looked like she could kill Doom without even batting an eye if she ever got her hands on him.

"Don't sweat it guys. I didn't just let Doom go with a light tap on his back or something. I am sure that he would not come after any of us for a LONG time after what I have done to him. So, you guys can remain stress-free for the time being. There won't be any other interruptions in the project, so just do what you guys do best.

Also, Meta Enterprises has almost completed all the formalities with Neo Genosha for the launch program. You will soon get permission for the takeoff. It will probably happen sometime next month. So, just make sure that everything is up and running by that time. There should not be any delays at all." I strictly remarked at which all four employees of Baxter Foundation nodded seriously.

"Don't worry boss, we won't disappoint," Johnny stated confidently.

"You better not," I said with a small smile before I ended the video conference.

Finally! In a few weeks, I will at last find out how they will exactly get their powers despite not possessing the x-gene. That data will be very important for my future plans. If Ms. Sinister and Forge are successful in cracking the process that will give the Fantastic Four their powers without any actual harmful side effects, then it would be a huge breakthrough in the research on how to artificially create perfect super-powered beings.

Also, I wonder if whatever would happen in space to them could somehow affect me as well. Could I as a god get further mutated and get new powers? It's a dangerous question but an important question nevertheless, one that I cannot help but want to find out the answer to.

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