Chapter 60: Mother Box - Evolution

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"While You Slept, The World Changed."

- Charles Xavier, (Marvel Comics: X-Men)


<(Atem POV)>

"At last, only a few seconds remaining," I muttered with suppressed excitement while staring at the system screen and waiting for the timer for Zoya's awakening to turn to zero.

I have been here on the planet of Divine Ego (Yes, that was what I decided to name it since I could not imagine any better name suited for a planet owned by an actual god like me) for the last few weeks while mostly overseeing the growth of my Spike army, the overall development of my new sentient planet and having regular alien sex with Caiera as I waited for Zoya's reactivation. And, it seems that the moment I have been waiting for has finally come.

[Designated Mother Box has completed its evolution]

[Deactivating Dormant mode]

[A New Energy Source has been found]

[Mother Box is now linking and integrating with New Energy Source]

[Congratulations! Your Mother Box has finished linking with Zero Force]

[Your Mother Box is now ready for use]

As soon as the icon for the Mother Box became highlighted signaling the option to summon it out to the real world, I instantly clicked it and took out Zoya from my inventory.

"Oh my, that was a long and relaxing sleep." Zoya yawned as her box began to float in front of me. Physically, almost nothing had visibly changed in the appearance of her box, but I could easily feel that Zoya was hundreds of times different than what she was before.

Her voice was the same, but it seemed like how she was speaking had become much livelier than before as she had suddenly gotten access to all the emotions that she hadn't possessed before.

"You haven't gone Skynet, have you?" I asked the first question that came into my mind.

"Depends on what you mean. If you are talking about wanting to destroy the entire race of humanity every time, I access the internet, yes. And, if you are talking about still being absolutely loyal to you, then again another BIG yes." Zoya joked.

A sense of humor, huh? Interesting. It seems that evolution made her more 'living' than what she was before. 

"I am happy to see that you still haven't figuratively burnt down the 'house' without me master. Don't worry, you can leave everything to me now" She stated as a matter of fact. "Hmm? I see that you have claimed this planet for yourself. I can sense the same energy signature on this planet that I can sense in you. Do you want me to connect to this planet through the system to manage it and its resources better?" Zoya asked in a soft voice.

"You sound like a smartphone after it is restarted after a long time," I responded in an amused voice. "And yes, go on, you can connect to the planet. Maybe, you could help me to truly and effectively use the full power of this sentient planet that has been roaming around space for the last few millennia. By the way, what is this energy source that you suddenly got access to? Don't tell me it is something OP like the heart of the universe or something?" I hopefully inquired.

"Not exactly, but it is something close to that. This energy source is called the Zero Force. It is the source of pre-primordial power, an energy that predates existence itself. It's the energy that ends one universe and starts another. It is one of the purest forms of cosmic energy and is extremely powerful. In fact, I am 80% positive that Galactus' Power Cosmic is a version of this energy that was rewired for use by him and certain other cosmic beings. Even with a limited machine body, I can tap into this energy to do a lot more than I was previously capable of." Zoya explained.

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