Chapter 43: A Trashy Planet

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"Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim."

- Dory, (Finding Nemo)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"Goddamn it. My stomach hurts. *BLEUGH* It's like my insides went through a mixer... I can't even feel my balls." Johnny Storm complained while rubbing his stomach and puking his guts out inside a disposable airsickness bag.

Not just him, but every other team member was currently doing the same, except me. It's not that I didn't feel the annoyingly disorienting effects of our abrupt journey but because I could not puke even if I wanted to. My... godly body was simply built that way. I had no waste food in my stomach to puke out and as for the pain, even the softest parts of my organs were as durable as steel. Despite feeling the uncomfortability of flying as fast as light, my insides didn't budge at all.

"Here, this should make you guys feel better." I waved my hands at them, showering them in a wave of reddish-golden light originating from my hands. Immediately, my Divine Healing healed all their discomfort along with returning Johnny the feeling in his balls.

"T-Thanks Atem. You are a lifesaver, unlike someone who got us into this mess in the first place." Susan glared daggers at Reed who avoided looking at us, staring into the corner with a guilty look.

"Our starship wasn't built for warping. It didn't have the stabilizer required to negate the effects of inertia on us. It was just a normal space shuttle that shouldn't even have gone beyond the distance of the moon. Going near the space storm was already pushing it but you had to go and use your experimental warp drive to prove how amazing it is, didn't you? We were fortunate that our ship didn't explode from that jump or worse... fold back into itself creating a singularity. Crashlanding on this unknown planet was purely our good luck." Ben blurted out angrily as he gave Reed an accusing look.

Yeah, we were on an unknown planet right now. Well, unknown to them, but for me, I already knew exactly where we were due to my planetwide scans through my telepathy and cosmic awareness and because of that, I couldn't decide whether I should be happy or annoyed.

"Okay, I understand that you are having anger issues right now but look at the bright side. The warp drive works and humanity can finally travel through space further than the solar system. Plus, while 'jumping', our ship even entered hyperspace for a time. Do you know what that means? It means that with this, we can do a lot more than just travel through space. Imagine portals through the universe or through dimensions or maybe even one day through time itself. The entire reality will be our backyard even better than Atem's 'Boomtubes' as he calls them" He exclaimed as he took a look at Susan's face, probably expecting to see an impressed expression on her face.

But instead, all he found was anger and annoyance as she shook her head at him, making her disappointment clear.

"Yeah, but Atem's portal doesn't kill us or give us the worst stomach aches I have ever experienced. Yours do man, which isn't cool." Johnny too sided with his sister.

"Okay, that's enough. My boom tubes are not the concern here. Our main concern should be that the boom tubes wouldn't be working for some time due to the damage Zoya suffered from the storm. Without her, we have no way of getting home unless we can somehow repair this ship or get another one capable of traveling through deep space." My voice bellowed, instantly stopping their argument.

"Get another spaceship? Like, from aliens or something? Are you serious?" Johnny asked as he looked at me with a confused expression. "Are aliens real? I mean according to you, gods exist. So, aliens shouldn't be real, right?"

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