Chapter 74: Godzilla on Steroids

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"Having an overwhelming power is boring as hell"

- Saitama, (One Punch Man)


<(Omniscient POV)>

"General, we urgently require immediate backup. I repeat, General Ross, we need immediate aerial and ground support," the pilot's voice crackled over the comms as he yelled into the radio with urgency and desperation. Yet, there was no response, only silence. Committed to his duty, the pilot remained steadfast, hoping for a reply that never came.

However, much to the disappointment of the soldier, no reply came from the other end of the comm unit, there was only silence. As a loyal and obedient member of the army, he, of course, chose to wait for an order by continuing to stand his ground, believing that backup would soon be provided in due time. But His optimism shattered as the colossal green humanoid continued to wreak havoc by effortlessly flinging a burning Honda towards him, thereby forever removing his chopper from the sky and sealing his fate in an instant. The loyal soldier perished without even having enough time to try and avoid it.

General Ross, on the other side, however, remained silent, despite the pleas of his soldiers for backup and the sounds of combat claiming more and more lives. He had heard many requests of the soldiers under him requesting backup as well as several of them dying under the attack of the so-called monster, but he had no way of actually helping them fight it off because currently, he himself was caught in a profound dilemma.

General Ross didn't have the resources or the budget to deal with this new monster. He had spent almost everything to secure the Hulk. But as for this new monster which was supposed to be even stronger than the Hulk himself, he could no longer do anything.

"General, shouldn't we contact the base for backup? Subject B seems to have completely gone rogue. If we don't stop him now, he will cause more damage to the city than we can handle." A soldier standing beside General Ross who looked like he was his second in command whispered in an urgent voice.

"Has the special unit secured my daughter and Dr. Banner?" Ross calmly asked with a stoic face, not bothering to answer his subordinate's questions. "They should be the priority right now. Civilian rescue operations and subduing the "rogue Subject" should not be our goal. There are plenty of military and defense organizations that can take care of that monster for us. We are the goddamn army, not superheroes or Shield agents. We need to focus on national defense rather than rescue operations and battling monsters, Lieutenant." General Ross uttered without a shred of guilt on his face.

"But wasn't all this caused by us? Wasn't Subject B originally a Special Ops commander under your command general? Whatever he has become, it doesn't change the fact that he is a creation of the army to try and make a super soldier. Even his mutation into this... Abomination is because we failed to contain him and messed up while trying to catch Professor Banner. So shouldn't the army be liable for all the damages that its failed experiment is causing including the loss of so many lives?" The Lieutenant General tried to object to General Ross' orders with a hesitant face as he looked at the destruction the monster was currently causing to the city.

"Liable? You are going to teach me about being fucking liable. Whatever I have done is for the good of this country. The super soldier project is the future of modern weaponry. I am not going to depend on a metal armor made by a goddamn alcoholic playboy to defend this country. We NEED super soldiers and weapons like the Hulk in our army if we want to win against our enemies the next time a World War starts. And I'll do whatever I can to achieve that even if it means sacrificing an entire city. I'll make America great again, no matter the cost, IS THAT CLEAR, Lieutenant?" General Thadeus Ross threatened his second-in-command, his fierce gaze almost digging holes into his subordinate's face as he waited for him to respond.

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