Chapter 35: Absolute Dominance

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"I have two rules. Rule one: I'm always right. Rule two: If I'm wrong, refer to rule one..."

- L, (Death Note)


<(Atem POV)>

"You three, take care of the girl. The boy is mine." Romulus barked orders to his subordinates behind him who seemed to be busy at their computers with something.

'Boy? Well, I guess I do look young.' I muttered sarcastically to myself in my mind.

"But what about the missiles? The launch is scheduled in fifteen minutes..." The only male among the three tried to complain weakly but he almost immediately shut up after Romulus gave him an angry look with his bloodshot red eyes.

On the other hand, the females just slowly nodded at the order like in a daze and prepared to attack Domino who was behind me.

"Three vs one? That doesn't sound fair, does it? Maybe I should balance things out a little. How about one lucky girl vs three limbless wolves sound?" I uttered confidently while my cape fluttered a little like an angry dog.

"Please don't. I want to have an all-out serious battle for once. Almost all my enemies somehow screw themselves up due to my power which results in me not ever being able to have an actual serious fight. So let me have this exciting battle all to myself. I mean my luck won't be able to affect all three of them... right?" Domino looked at me, her starry eyes pleading with me to not end her fight for her before it even began.

"... Fine. Go knock yourself out." I sighed as I fixed my attention back on Romulus who I had been ignoring.

"Whoever you are, I will skin you alive. I'll make you regret ever coming here. I'll even find your family after this and make them my loyal dogs." Romulus growled as he made the most menacing threat he could come up with.

"That, I would like to see you try," I chuckled at his threat with a bored face as he leaped at me, his sharp metallic claws gleaming like a bunch of butcher's knives.

I didn't bother to move and instead mentally commanded my cape to block his attack which it did quite effectively by immediately binding his wrists.

"You think my claws are my only weapons?" Romulus spat out as he suddenly kicked the cape with his legs, legs which had five very sharp claws on their toes.

One kick from Romulus' clawed toes was all it took to cause a rip in my cape.

"Hey, that cape was brand new," I said in annoyance as I felt some of my divine energy instantly being absorbed by my cape to repair itself.

"Okay, I seriously need a dress like that," Domino enviously shouted from the side while she was keeping the three lupine mutants at bay by shooting plasma bolts at them with a pair of blaster guns in her hands.

I wonder where she even got that gun from. I don't remember the X-Men having that in their armory.

"It's a limited edition," I said with a huff as I again directed my cape to wrap around Romulus, this time while carefully avoiding his claws and toenails.

But I didn't just stop there. I continued slowly squeezing him with my cape prolonging the pain he felt as much as possible while making sure that he would not be able to move his limbs even a little bit.

Romulus might be the strongest feral gene-possessing mutant alive with powers far above guys like Wolverine, Beast, and Sabretooth but he was nowhere near an omega-level mutant. Yes, he did have a slight edge against me with his magical metal coating that could even penetrate my skin but that would only be useful against me if he would actually be able to physically slash me with his claws.

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