Chapter 25: Visions of Revenge

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"I don't care if no one likes me, I wasn't created in this world to entertain everyone."

- Houtarou Oreki, Hyouka


<(Atem POV)>

"You are the owner of Meta Enterprises? A chocolate boy like you? Are you joking with me?" Victor Von Doom asked with what could be described as almost a disgusting expression on his face.

"Yeah and guess what Dr. Spoilt Young Prince, you might have fooled them by pretending to be the legal voice of NASA but not me. I know a bloodsucking dictator and a shameless thief when I see one and you in my personal opinion stand at the epitome of those categories. You never invested in this project through NASA to collaborate in this research or something, you are just here to try to steal the hyperdrive design, aren't you, you greedy little brat? But guess what, you ain't getting it, at least not on my watch. So, you can take your meager little funding, and shove it up your royal behind." I spoke directly without mincing my words much.

The system had already made it clear that I needed to stop Victor from realizing his goals, so it didn't matter if I antagonized him or not because I was gonna be his enemy no one the moment he realized that he was not gonna get what he wanted as long as I existed.

But, now, I could try to befriend him and let him do what he wants, only to stop his plans at the last moment but that was a risk I had no wish of taking. After all, Doom even though had one of the highest potentials in the Marvel world, still didn't have anything that I particularly wanted. He was just a greedy and selfish combination of Tony Stark and Dr. Strange.

Victor was silent for a few seconds in shock or at least that's what it would have looked like to anyone else but I knew otherwise. I could sense the clone receiving excess 'energy' of a mystical nature from some source, like it was charging itself to get ready for something but that feeling only lasted a moment before everything went back to normal.

"I see, so that's why. That's why you appeared so... familiar. I have seen you before. It now makes perfect sense. But it doesn't matter. Even if you are 'him', you are still making a big mistake, a mistake that will one day cost you your life. This is not a threat, it's a promise, from one ruler to another." Doom said with a snarl, hinting that he had already recognized me as the 'patron god' of Genosha.

Also, quite contrary to my expectations, instead of trying to attack me through his magical clone, he began to walk out of the room surprising everyone else there since nobody thought that he was going to let this thing slide that easily.

"Wait, wait a minute. What about our deal? Even if NASA is not going to fund us, it's still going to allow us to launch our space shuttle right?" Reed quickly asked with a voice filled with desperation and fear of his research getting canceled.

Reed knew who I was but for some reason still hadn't realized that I could give them launching rights in Genosha or even directly pressure the American government even more than Victor could, something which Doom had already realized and thus had stopped pressing the issue altogether despite having a solid backing and legitimate grounds.

"I thought you were the smartest man alive Richards but it seems that you are only smart when you are tinkering in your little office. In matters of common sense and... relationships, you are an absolute fool. A pity." Doom snickered sparing one last look at me and Susan before walking out after uttering aloud one last line. "Doom will meet you again 'real' soon."

The two NASA suits who had been silently observing everything till now also quickly followed after their current boss like dogs wagging their tails for their master.

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