1. Slow Night

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It was a windy evening, she reflected on the laptop screen, staring at her slightly disheveled strawberry blonde hair, her unique consuming green eyes stared at the switched off laptop screen in a unilluminating living room.

She was practically bored out for her mind at that moment. Therefore, her last resort was to watch a movie. She clicked play on her laptop and Les Miserable started to play. Not more than twelve minutes into the movie, her doorbell buzzed and a knock shortly after.

She clicked on pause and sluggishly lurched off the sofa and made it to the door. She peek through the door to find and six foot two inched, Caribbean looking man in a men's black leather flat cap.
"Good day ma'am!", he said removing his cap.

"This is for you.", he continued and placed the parcel in her hand and rushed off.

She was confused at this point. On the small parcel postal box, it was addressed to her.

Juniper Lefèvre.

Yet, she swore she hadn't ordered anything. She had this feeling not to open it. She looked left and then right the man was long gone.

Every crime show she had watched should prepare her for this moment, she abruptly turned back in side and closed the door. A thousand thoughts raced though her mind. Juniper started to think it was posted wrong but her name was on it.

"Maybe it was other Juniper Lefèvre." she thought.

Her anxieties were becoming increasingly overwhelming at this point. She took a deep breath and sang the alphabets in her head. As bizarre as it sounds it really helped her cope with these anxieties.

She slowly unpacked the parcel and found several documents. Her eyes went wide, filling with tears in a blink a drop rolled down her face.

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