11. Lou

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"Order up." Fumi yelled once she enter the kitchen. Instantaneously, Jigi came in drenched. It had been a busy Tuesday morning.  Jigi swiftly made her way to the changing room to dress in the work's uniform and wear an apron.

She had completed her shift at the library and it seemed like her exhaustion is catching up to her. She was barely making it out through the day.


Jigi rushed into the library drenched and unprofessional. Her morning had been hectic. Her alarm didn't sound. She overslept from watching One Piece movie, clearly knowing she had to go to work the next day.

She really enjoyed her weekend. She was enjoying the last moments of her solitude. She could obliviously say it was unexpected that Fumiko's parents agreed for their daughter to be a housemate to Jigi.

Jigi loved being alone. She has been alone for a long time she was used to it; not like she was complaining. Again, she agreed it would be helpful if she share the rent with someone, and Fumiko was a good option.

She hasn't been able to save up as much as she anticipated for the renovation of the bakery. This is the reason she was work two jobs. She would really like to keep the family business up and running.

Jigi believes she can make it on her own as she had done countless of times throughout the years. She remembers she left the United States to France to be close to her childhood. She was considered Dr. Olivia suggestion; get closure. This was her thoughts on such suggestions.

Jigi rushed through her routine. She wore cream coloured trousers with a see through blouse and a black chemise underneath. Her pale brown checkered scarf in a rush fold. And her blond her in a loose bun.

She rushed out of her apartment and she met her right hand neighbour, Mary-Ann Lou. She was a graceful French woman in her late fifties but she didn't look a day over forty two. She is a elegant brunette who seems to have enjoyed her years and still is.

She lived alone with her adorable ebony brown Dachshund, Swallow. She named him with the name after he chase after a swallow and almost swallowed any swallow to unlucky fly by.

She was known to be way too inquisitive, Jigi would politely put it but she is always sticking her nose where they might not be needed.

Jigi made her way across the door of Miss Mary-Ann's apartment. The moment she safely crossed the door she swung her door open.

"Bonjour, Juniper. Ravi de vous voir. Vous avez l'air plus mince. I hope you've found the job you have been looking for." She began to runt.

Jigi tried to speak but every time she opened her mouth to answer, commenting or explaining her situation, Miss Mary-Ann would make another statement.

"This is the first time I've seen you in almost two weeks. Vous n'êtes généralement pas à la maison à cette heure-ci." Miss Mary-Ann busily continued to rant.

"Madame, je suis en retard. Ce serait génial si je prenais mon congé." Jigi loudly whispered. She was even out of breath for the elderly French woman. She didn't wait for a response and quickly made her way to the train station.

At the train station, Jigi have missed her train in a microsecond. She just stood there and watched it as it took off and left. She waited an extra fourteen minutes for the next train.

She was forty five minutes late to work. It was horrifying she couldn't believe it. Luckily, her employer, the librarian, Mrs. Lambert. She is a stern woman with a fixed scowl on her forehead.

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