2. Inheritance

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Hello everyone, thank you for reading. This is dedicated to all readers including silent ones. Enjoy.<3
           Sixteen years ago,
Little Juniper swung on a swing in between twin trees in a tree stand. She grinned head high towards the sky. A toothy grin with a missing baby incisors and a adult one slowly sprouting from her gum.

She was in her school uniform- a combination of dark vegetation green and black vintage pinafore uniform. She had stained it earlier that with the jelly donuts her father had made for her. She wasn't normally sloppy but she enjoyed her lunch way too much to care. The sky was clear with no cloud in the midday sky.

A drop of water from a leaf, fell on her face bringing to life her piercing yet consuming green eyes. She hopped off the swing and picked up her discarded small black school bag and raced off the fields into the doors of her home, she was drenched in sweat.

" Maman, I am back." Juniper howled with a childish stretch in each word.

"Do you know what today is, Jigi?" Her mother, Mrs Claudine Lefèvre, asked.

"Nope." Juniper said so, making the 'p' pop.

Her mother giggled.

"Your dad is gonna make something tonight." Her mother explained.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement. Her father's baking recipes were the best. Her father, Grégoire Lefèvre, owned a bakery downtown.

He inherited the bakery from his father and his father's father. It had been in the family for more than three generations. He ran the bakery, La boulangerie de le fils. His father had been running it as far as her could remember and he was retiring.

It was now his turn to run it. He has been preparing for this moment since he turned eighteen. That was all he wanted to do, to run the family business. There was no kidding that he was an ambitious young baker ready to turn around the bakery to suit the tastes of the general public.

He walked to the front door of the house and heard little giggling and his wife warm voice echoing from the house. He opened the door and he was greeted by screeching and his daughter running into his arms.

"Daddy!" Jigi shrieked.

"Daddy, what are we going to bake,this evening." She continued to nag.

"Welcome home, honey." His wife voice came from behind as she smiled at him. She was in a pair of worn out and washed out brown trousers, a grey T-shirt and a knitted beige sweater. She was small but her face was hollow and she seemed exhausted. One might think, it was dealing with such a bubbly energetic child.

Grégoire carried his daughter into his arms and carefully walked towards the kitchen. He gently placed her on the island, he put his favourite white baker's apron from the rake and put his apron on.

"Macarons!" He wiped his hands after washing them clean and smiled as he pulled out his recipe book.


Jigi quickly wiped the tear as they fell down. "No weakness." She thought. She pulled out the book. Her father recipe book underneath was a letter, an attachment.

Basically, she had inherited her father's bakery and his recipe book. She felt mixed emotions at their point. This was now the only thing of her father's in her possession now.

Apparently, it was in father will to give her the one of the thing that meant the world to her. In the box,was the deed and the key to the bakery. She left out a shaky breath and stood from the sofa, the book in hand towards the kitchen.

She had on thing on her mind. She began to wash her hand, pulled her apron from the cabinet and placed a bowl on the counter and started looking for ingredients.

She started whisking eggs and granulated sugar into a bowl and realised she does not have flour. She covered the mixture, removed her apron and stride towards the door and left her apartment.

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