In Seoul

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the first thing Mitch did when he entered the hotel room was drop his bags on the floor.They landed with a thud on the dated orange carpet

"thank god we're here, that flight took fooorreever" he said as jumped onto the bed, which he noticed with distain was a matching colour of yellowish-orange to the carpet

"I know, i thought i would be stuck on that plane for the rest of my life"replied Scott, as he loped through the doorway following Mitch into the room.Scott set his luggage down in the corner beside the wardrobe and looked around the room.

"wow this hotel is rachet af" he said as he took in the 80's decour and the washed out colours.Mitch laughed "yeah, didn't Jonathan say its like 100 years old or something?". Scoot took another glance around the room "well it sure looks like it".

The hotel room was furnished with dark brown, chocolate-coloured dressers, there was a wide ancient looking mirror that stretched the length of the wall, hanging above the two double beds that looked like they were at least 20 years old.The most noticeable feature of the room was the giant wardrobe that was the same shade of chocolate brown as the dressers, it loomed in the corner and looked big enough to fit Narnia into.

Scott opened the door of the wardrobe and as he peered in, he immediately went into a coughing fit as a cloud of dust and musky smelling air rose from the inside.Mitch laughed at the sight of him.

"eewww it smells older than Cher in there" this made Mitch laugh even more at his goofy blond friend.

"so what time are you going out tonight with Alex at?" Mitch asked while flicking through twitter on his phone.

"um probably around eight" Scott replied. "oh i better start getting ready now" he noticed as he checked his watch.

After a huge debate with Mitch about what Scott should wear he finally decided on black skinny jeans, a black shirt with little white stars on it and black converse.

"gotta be looking my best" Scott said as he did his best pout face into the mirror and fixed his hair

"Yasss girl slay" Mitch said while checking out his friend. Damn Scott looked sexy tonight he thought biting his lip.

Scott turned around facing Mitch, smirked, ran and jumped into the bed. "stooooppp" Mitch protested although he couldn't help laughing as Scott almost landed on top of him.Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch who was still laughing

"Why dont you come with me and Alex" Scott asked, "I cant go without my main bitch".

Mitch looked up from his phone at Scott still smiling. "I already told you, i have a throat infection.I need to stay in bed and rest.

"but you dont need your throat for going out, c'mon" Scott whined pulling Mitch to him tighter.

"there is one thing i need my throat for on nights out" Mitch replied as he looked up through his lashes at Scott smiling seductively.For a fraction of a second Scott was lost in Mitch's expression. Then he burst out laughing.

"that is definitely true" Scott said blushing, remembering Mitches track record with various men.

"well i will be back by tomorrow morning, hopefully" Scott said getting up from the bed, still marvelling at Mitches ability to take him off guard like nobody else could.

"you better be" mitch replied "and dont get too wasted!"

Scott laughed "love you babe!" he called as he sauntered out the door

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