Kirstie's curiosity

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Kirstie was on her way to the gym early morning as per usual, thinking about Pentatonix as she went, but yet she couldn't help feeling that there was something off.....something not quite right about the group.She had barely seen  Scott yesterday and the whole fiasco about Mitch going missing still played on her nerves.She hadn't thought to check with Scott yet on what had happened but as she looked at her watch, 7 in the morning, she supposed he probably wasn't up yet.She would drop into their room at a reasonable time she decided and check if everything was okay. They all needed to be in a good mind set and well rested before the show she knew.

Kirstie had a inclination that something was going on with Scott and Mitch and the people around them.They were usually hanging out with the rest of the group in their free time,but they were nowhere to be seen in the past week.Scott had seemed off yesterday too, like something was wrong.As for Mitch, it was completely out of his character to miss an arranging session, and even more peculiar that Scott didn't know where he was.Those two were practically joined at the hip she thought.Maybe being on tour so long was finally catching up with them she concluded, it definitely was catching up on her, she thought sarcastically as she stretched out her tired muscles.

Her mind was once again on Texas, the place where she grew up, as she felt a deep yearning to be at home. Kirstie had always thought of herself as a homebird and it was becoming exceedingly difficult for her to be so far away from the people she cared about.Her heart gave a little sqeeze as she thought of her beloved dog Olaf.She could not wait to go home and give him the biggest warmest hug she had ever given.

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